seven. operation happy

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~operation happy~

VIOLA WAS CERTAIN that the world was out to get her

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VIOLA WAS CERTAIN that the world was out to get her. After an already horrible — and long — day, she was now met with the prospect of having to climb an extra set of stairs than last year. Perhaps it was metaphorical that, while they moved up in the school, so did their dorms. Viola would have just called it stupid. Besides, the 11 year olds were bound to have more energy than everyone else; why not tire them out in time for bed?

Exhaustion poked at her eyes, pulled at her limbs so she had to drag them along. More than anything else, she just wanted to collapse onto her bed and escape the world for a few hours. Even if her dreams were horrible, at least they wouldn't be real. Reality was her issue at the moment; with so many things surrounding her like a whirlwind, its overwhelming nature was consuming her.

Lavender Brown's shrieking laughter assaulted Viola's ears once she opened the door. Parvati Patil was giggling alongside her on her bed, looking tired but highly amused. Kneeling by the bed in the far corner was Fay Dunbar, her uniform in a crumpled heap beside her as she dug around for something in her trunk; evidently whatever it was happened to be stuck at the bottom, because she was pulling things out to form a haphazardous pile.

"Oh, hello Viola!" said Lavender, turning around so that Viola could see her red face from all the laughing.

"Hi," she said flatly, ignoring her surprise at being addressed so enthusiastically and making a beeline directly towards her own bed. Lavender and Parvati hadn't been very understanding last year, so she wasn't too interested in hearing their views on all the news that had come out since last term. It was plausible, she realised while rummaging for her toothbrush, that they had been laughing about her only moments before and were hoping to cover up some awkwardness by speaking.

"How was your summer?" Lavender asked, pushing away a piece of hair that had stuck to the sweat on her face. Despite the question being mundane, she asked it through the dying end of a giggle.

Fay Dunbar shot Viola a sympathetic smile from the other side of the room, after finally emerging from her trunk clutching a pair of tights.

"It was fine." Then, to try and divert the attention, she asked, "How was yours?"

"Oh, yes, it was lovely," said Lavender, glancing once at Parvati before giggling yet again. "So... um... where's Hermione Granger?"

"Doing her prefect duties, I'd expect."

"Oh, okay..." said Lavender, nodding. She took a deep breath, as if to steel herself, then continued. "So, Viola, you're friends with her and Ron Weasley... I've just been wondering, you know... Are they going out?"

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