four. definitely a cake

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~definitely a cake~

AN IRIDESCENT RAY of light split through the window in an arcing gleam

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AN IRIDESCENT RAY of light split through the window in an arcing gleam. Its trails of sparkling warmth danced in a shimmering wave over the window sill. As though to be captured and displayed forever, the golden splatters doused the room in a wash of comfort. Viola let the heat from the glow glide over her fingers as she held them above her face, which was lying on Ginny's bed. The sounds of the others — most prominently Hermione and Harry — were wavering in and out like a broken radio.

"Just one game, Hermione," Harry was saying, receiving a supportive nod from Ron in the doorway. His enthusiasm hadn't wavered once over the past ten minutes the argument had gone on for. "Come on, I've been trapped at the Dursleys'. I haven't been able to."

"You can always play tomorrow," sighed Hermione. "Besides, it's quite cold outside, and Viola was going to finally let me teach her how to knit."

"Viola," said Harry.

"Viola," echoed Hermione.

But she only continued to look at the glow catching her hand. She knew the pointed looks both of them must have been sending her, and didn't have to see them for herself. "Don't bring me into this. I'm fine with doing either, but I'm not choosing."

"Then let's put a vote to it," said Ron. "Those in favour of a Quidditch game?"

"Put your hands down, both of you!" snapped Hermione. "We already decided yesterday what we'd be doing."

As Harry's rebuttal came, his voice was lost to the chasm that stretched between himself and Viola. The sun slipped behind a cloud and filled the sky with gray when the air turned cold. Instead of being met with his words, Viola received a sharp pain in her head, so sudden that she shut her eyes against the force of it. It snaked its way through her brain, slicing in a throbbing ache. Her heartbeat didn't accelerate with the sensation; it slowed into a steady rhythm. A whisper wove through her ears, but Viola couldn't make out what it said; the sharp sting of her mind was depriving her of the ability to listen.

Then, all at once, it was gone. The sun reappeared, and the pain left as quickly as though Viola had never known it in the first place. All that remained was the ache's ghost-like sensation, reminding her of what she had just felt without repeating it. She noticed that only now her heart was beginning to speed up from its calm knocks.

"— tomorrow, then I will go and snap your brooms."

"Fine by me," said Harry. "Viola, come on, we're playing."

She only realised then that her hand had come to rest on her temple at some point, like she had tried to shield herself from the attacking pain As she removed it, she looked to Harry, Ron still behind him, the two half out the door. Her brain scrambled in an attempt to remember what they were talking about. Playing?

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