two. a perfect polished package

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~a perfect polished package~

IT WAS A BITTER THING to dream of the stars

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IT WAS A BITTER THING to dream of the stars. The heavenly bodies that watched and observed, listening to the painful desires of the poor who gazed upon them. All knowing, ever-watching, twinkling saviours of the night sky. But they were for the dreamers and never the seekers. Flowers blossoming for the angels.

Viola traced their outlines with her eyes, finding shapes in the absence of clouds. Or at least trying to. Hermione had once lectured her about spotting different constellations, but evidently all of that had been lost on her. She thought it simply looked as though someone had spilled a salt shaker over a dark table cloth.

The front step of the Burrow had called to her once again but not through the voice of a nightmare this time. How could horrors plague her dreams if sleep refused to carry her in the first place? It was a bitter relief, in a way.

The words of her family's prophecy often sought to assault Viola when the world went quiet. When nothing was spoken aloud, so they took it upon themselves to fill the silence of her head. Never alone, never quiet.

A sacrifice made by the instigator...

Viola would wish upon every lone star in the galaxy if it would present some hidden meaning she must have been neglecting.

The child who betrays, the child outlawed by parents...

The astronomers believed that stars held the answers. So why were they so desperate to withhold them from anyone who cared enough to ask?

The Legilimens aids the temptation...

She looked back down at their reflections in the pond. Not even through a distorted lens did they provide anything useful.

At times her unawareness pushed her to reach a numb acceptance. If this was the way things were, then so be it. Who was she to shake the hold of fate — if that even existed? Other moments, she wanted to scream at the sky. Perhaps if her words travelled far enough, someone would listen. They would reach a space in the endless vastness and be shot back with meaning. Maybe their journey would twist them into something she could understand.

Viola ran a hand through her hair, releasing a heavy breath. She had endured one night of sleep before ending up back here. These nightly ventures were becoming much too frequent for her liking.

She stayed there for another minute, watching the grass sway in a dance from the night's breeze. But she couldn't stay out here forever. They would be going to Diagon Alley in the morning so that she could finally replace her wand. And leaving the house on minimal sleep wouldn't end well.

Viola shivered as she stood up, legs covered in goosebumps from the wind's touch. They were half numb, thanking her as she finally closed the door and left behind her waning ambition.

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