Episode 1: Do I hear 10 Androids you missed!

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This is a story about a man who learns how to survive as a bug looking bio android clone in a realm of bullshit.... seriously don't believe me well let's dive into my stor-YES I'm the one who went thou this and telling it now we're getting off track now stop interrupting me....rude!

???: Where the am I....I thought I died why am I alive and why do I feel weird?

I walk over to a mirror nearby and I saw myself.


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I did what any sane person do when they wake up as in the body of a villain like mine.....

(Replace Vegeta with our main protagonist of this story with TFS Imperfect Cell voice and where he is a lab of Hero not the one in movie or fighterz or Android saga one a different one)

CM: *pants calming down and lowers power level on instinct once clams down enough* Guess I'm Cell Maximum now thou how do I get into my 'perfect' form cause there isn't a Cell Max version that I am right now so I'm guessing I got same one Cell gets eventually wait if I'm in dragon ball what era am I?

I focused and found Piccolo fighting someone I can't sense so I'm in that era ok gotta get there fast which it should take me what 10 mins top speed of where I'm at on foot so get there in time.

I ran and saw Imperfect Cell standing on the hill and looks like he revealed himself better do mine too as I get on my hill top in same pose my I guess originals in cause the body I'm in is a clone so yea.

CM: Hello.....

Haha priceless looks on their faces even Cell is confused and shocked too funny.

Cell: Who the hell are you and why you look like me?

CM: I'm your clone from this era's future and call me Cell Maximum or CM for short.

Cell: Right....anyways team up?

CM: Let me think.....NOT!

I fire some ki blasts at my predecessor which he managed to dodge and flies towards me and me being weaker I annoyed him by using what I call spot blast cause I shoot blasts from my spots so yea don't judge me!

Cell: Really think a change in color going stop gahhh! *He's punched in the back by Piccolo and 16* not going lie dick move!

I wack my club at the end of my tail at Cell which knocks him to the ground but he got up and solar flared us all and absorbed 17 and become 'Semi Perfect' Cell.....great.

(Like in this video but solar flare and in beginning then Cell absorbs then transforms and everyone recovers when Cell is done)

CM: SHIT! Cell your not getting 18 I'm fighting you now and I hope your ready for round 2!

Cell: Well like to see try clone of mine as I'm one step closer to Perf-

CM: Hey going stop yeah there is no such thing as perfect cause nobody is you disillusioned bug that smells like a igunga still.

Cell: Grrrr you smell look like a bug too!

CM: Yes but I'm not the one who smells


He charges as I go do the same and I get beat up and my tail is ripped by him and same with my wings then he blows me up which unfortunately for him I'm his clone so same DNA as him.

Cell: Now for you...Oh c'mon she got away! MY CLONE WAS A DISTRACTION!

Tien: Yes for me! NEO TRI BEAM! *Fires a blast at Cell who is in rage cause this is not going his way and Tien got done out of breathe*

Cell gets out and smiles like the villain he is.

Cell: You know I don't know what makes me angry more the fact that my clone insulted me which lead to 18 getting away or you blasted me with that attack which hurt now time to die... OW MY PRIDE!

CM: I'm back! *punches Cell from his back and sends him flying into a island and into the ocean.*

Tien: How your alive?

CM: Four words: Clone and Piccolo's DNA.

Tien: So going drink me like your original did?

CM: Nope besides I can't even I tried like how? *gestures to the mace at the end of my tail*

Tien: Good point.

CM: Now *sees Piccolo landing and grabs both of them and with tail and one of my hands and instant transmission to the lookout* Hello Goku and Gohan.

Gohan: how did you know our names?

CM: Future and database.

Trunks and Vegeta comes out and looks at me in shock.

Vegeta: And who are you Bug?!

CM: Call me Cell Maximum or CM for short also I'm a bio android from the future.

Trunks: Which one and why you look like Cell?

CM: This era's future since you and my original time traveled here and I'm the clone of the Cell we're dealing with also speaking of which he absorbed the cowboy looking android and probably searching for the female one right now also Vegeta didn't Trunks tell you you guys missed another android besides the clown, the doc, the one that looks like the doc's son and now I guess me sorta.

Vegeta: Do I hear 10 androids now you missed! *looks at Trunks*

Trunks: *groans* which one did we miss this time?

CM: Think about in order for my original to exist there must be a present him as an embryo in the lab you found the present versions of the ones who are currently making amuk in your timeline below that you probably blew up already.

Vegeta: You didn't tell me that's it!

Trunks: WAIT FOR ME!

Vegeta being Vegeta flying off after my predecessor with Trunks following.

CM: Who here is not surprised at this cause I'm not.

All: I'm not.

CM: So it's our turn.

Piccolo: What you mean our turn?

CM: I'm coming with and tell me you along with Goku and Gohan are going me.

Piccolo: True also what's with the mace at the end of your tail and why does it have holes in it?

CM: I didn't design the thing it's how it is and also because I can fire ki blasts from it.

Goku, Gohan and Tien: Cool

CM: Vegeta is going let my original counterpart go Perfect isn't he?


CM: So going call it.

Now our guy is going to the form we see in the super hero movie then 'Perfect' by training and reach a certain level and how did he know instant transmission? You forget Cell learned it and Cell Max is literally a clone of him so of course he knows it.

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