Episode 3: CM's new form and rampage?

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3rd point of view.....

The Cell Games started and it went as it did originally expect two Cell Juniors look different than the rest til now which Gohan managed to knock and break the bottle that holds his dear friend CM while fighting Cell and everyone was blown back at the power increase CM somehow got while sealed.

Cell: How did you get this strong?! You weren't this strong when we fought a second time!

CM: Simple sure I was sealed so I stop bothering trying break out and for a bit I was bored out of my mind so I trained inside my mind focus on my ki control and turns out I got stronger but didn't break out cause I figured it was pointless no matter how strong I became and now here we are.

Cell was fuming his clone stronger than him?! To Cell, CM was a imposter a fake that can't stand being weaker than to who he believes is inferior while to Gohan and everyone else shocked and happy he was out.

1st point of view....

I cracked my neck also stretch my limbs and boy does it feel good get out of there cause inside that bottle I was cramped like it barely fit my height and don't get me started on meditating also sitting down and I looked at Cell who shot a big bang attack at me which I took it and barely felt anything.

Cell: Impossible!!! I am the Perfect being I should be the best by default!!!

CM: Gohan I got this so go and also Cell my original your Frieza is showing.

Cell tried to attack me up close which lead to same results when some of the Z Fighters attacked him but they couldn't touch him in the original timeline which I got bored and just gut punched him which lead him to spit out 18 and 17 also that lead him to same form where he started also the Cell Juniors were confused and they didn't want do anything til they know who is their father me or my original here which shockingly to me two of them looked like me but replace the green with blue I guess their mutations heck even their siblings looked at them and back to me back and forth.


CM: Yes it can also when's the last time you took a shower you stink literally and the wet lizard scent you have back doesn't help at all.

Cell sniffed himself as did others but in the air and they covered their noses well the ones that looked like me covered their beak like mouths.

Cell: If I survive this I'm cleaning myself when I get to the next planet AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

My original laughed as he went in his self destruct form which I  instant transmission myself and him to King Kais planet which he blew.

3rd point of view....

The heroes look in shame of their loss of their friend who sacrificed himself and the Juniors cried at the loss of both the monster and hero known as Cell and Cell Maximum.

Then they all felt a huge power noticing it was right in front of them Cell was back in his super 'perfect' form and he explained how he survived.

???: And So did I.

They looked and their jaws dropped.

(CM looks how the mindless Cell Max did in the movie aka cover of this story)


CM: Actually in a way I did exactly like you did remember you absorb some of my DNA to learn instant transmission? Well turns out I somehow did exact same and since I'm your clone I reached this form and I bet with training or whatever I can get the form your in now so I got a new form and a good zenkai boost.

Cell: No it can't be it can't I WON'T ALLOW IT KAIOKENX50!

CM: Kaio-What! *Gets punched in the jaw by Cell*

CM gets pissed he had it screw cannon he will destroy Cell once and for all which something in him changed as he suddenly went giant with his yellow eyes now red with rage and everyone is now scared as they see CM is no longer in control of himself.


With a mighty roar he shoots a ki beam from his mouth at aims it at everything as the Cell Juniors, Cell, Z Fighters get out of the way as they nodded to each other that they must work together to knock some sense into their friend/enemy/father? Everyone tries everything but they were sitting ducks until.

Piccolo: Wait we aim for his head!

Cell: Why his head?

Goku: Oh yea when me, Piccolo and Gohan were training I accidentally hit CM's crown that one time, it hurt him more than everywhere else but I wonder why.

Vegeta: Of course! CM said he was from this era's future right? Well if the future already dealt with him over there *points at Cell* then whoever made him must made a failsafe Incase he went rouge that we able to kill or at least hurt him.

Trunks: But what if it cause a emergency automatic self destruct.

Gohan: Then we use the dragon balls to bring him and everyone Cell drinked and whoever 18 and 17 killed.

Vegeta: But what if he and his kids do after the fact once we get CM to his senses?

Cell: I've been thinking actually during these past ten days if I could be given a chance to make amends thx to CM he gave me some thoughts if he managed to reach my power and he's not even in the form I'm in and I'm not Perfect as I claim with the dragon balls in the matters what's the point of doing anything if I have no purpose cause let's fact I'm not Perfect and Goku no matter how many times I kill you you always can come back with the dragon balls and what I do if no one's left to challenge me so I make things right and find my own purpose in life.

Tien: That does make sense.

Yamcha: Yea I agree.

Everyone else nodded with the Juniors want their possible other father back and after a bit the Z Fighters win and CM is out cold in his normal state and the heroes lived their lives as everyone in the Z Fighters did as they in cannon as for the androids 17 and 18 did as they did in cannon aka one be a ranger and the other marry Krillin and as for the bios they made a house in the city with CM and Cell deicide to be father's to the Juniors and people who died were brought back so who stands to the heroes now?

Elsewhere 7 years later....

???: Well looks like it's my turn to play.

A female voice said.

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