Episode 2: The Battle of Perfect and Imperfect!

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Ok me, the Namek and the Saiyan and a half are in and I knew Vegeta just going let my original go 'Perfect' form and I'm going leave soon cause my cells are making me too strong for Goku, Gohan and Piccolo so I'm going do a low blow to get this along.

CM: Gohan your going stay weak and watch everyone you love die? like Krillin on Namek or how about during the battle against Vegeta and Nappa?

Gohan and Goku get angry at for bringing that up and Gohan loses it and goes super Saiyan and blindly attack me in rage which I block with ease with my tail alone and Gohan calms down realizing he went Super Saiyan.

Piccolo: How you knew that unlock his super Saiyan form?

CM: Simple he's too easily angered when bring up a touching topic that haunts him besides if I recall you Goku did that on Namek by Frieza when he hurt your most precious thing you have and that's your family and friends after all I am willing to bet if you didn't power up that instantly when you did into Super Saiyan, Frieza would of ended Gohan.

Goku is just angry beyond belief despite trying to remain calm that I brought that up as it's clear it still haunts to this day.

CM: Anyways I'm going make sure Vegeta doesn't screw up.

I left the time chamber and felt Cell's ki got bit weak which means I gotta hurry as I blast off at top speed which I was too late as he start powering up Infront of me!

CM: I freaking called it!

Vegeta: The Hell CM! where did you come from and why you stronger than me!

CM: One training in time chamber, two I have Frieza's and Cold's DNA as they have most potential to get stronger faster than the rest that makes up me and my original which you let reach his final form!


CM: Vegeta remember when did you see or heard of Cold or Frieza ever trained!


Cell: Nope it's true Prince and also CM back for more?

We turn to see Cell in his final form which he somehow doesn't stink anymore smirking clearly amused.

CM: Damn straight and you still look like a bug.

Cell: So do you.

CM: Yes but I'm more half the man than you are.

I say smirking smugly as Cell gets angry clearly with a tick mark on his head as I roasted him.

Vegeta: Good burn.

CM, Cell and Trunks: Your the one to talk!

Vegeta: Shut it!

I crack my neck as Cell does the same as we clash clearly almost equal in power, keyword almost as each time we trade blows with fists, feet, heads and tails also ki blasts we created shockwaves blowing Vegeta and Trunks back hell even 16 who just came injured just to get knocked off his feet and I kick Cell back.

Cell: I'm impressed well actually not really your my clone after all and we do share same DNA so not surprised at all but this means I need to get stronger if your still imperfect yet you almost match me in power!

CM: Well... I'm the second clone the first one was mindless and unstable but very strong stronger than you way stronger and I was made to not be so strong right off the bat and the first one was a mix of the form before and after you absorbed 17 and this one your in now.

Cell: I hate the future!

CM: You done?

Cell: Yea and makes sense anyways I'm going be hosting the Cell games in 10 days for all but you my dear clone to train seeing your close to my power already you don't need to train to prepare but you going need backup agansit me as I won't make the same mistake as last time we met or I blow up earth.

CM: No you won't I'll stop you.

Cell: True but who's to say you be there when I do.

CM: Wait what?

Cell: Evil Containment!

I was unprepared and shocked that he knows this but I guess this is a butterfly affect dammit my hubris of thinking I could take him as I was sealed in a bottle.

3rd point of view.....

Everyone but Cell was in shock the strongest Z Fighter so far got sealed til who knows when as Cell put the seal warped around the bottle.

Cell: Don't worry I let him out for the Cell Games besides I'm a man of my word also get any funny ideas and I'll throw my clone into the sun.

Cell just flew with no one stopping him as two of the Z Fighters take 16 to the Lookout to explain the situation that Cell Maximum was taken hostage by his predecessor the original Cell and Bulma and Chi Chi cried cause they never got to meet who helped their friends fight against such a monster and Chi Chi allows Gohan to fight for the sake of her and her family and friends while Cell announces the Cell Games will be in ten days from now for the sake of their planet and he has a hostage if anyone tries anything funny that he is keeping a clone of himself hostage who is a big thorn in his side also til the final round.

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