Chapter Five

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When we get back to his house, Simon opens the door for me and I walk into the familiar living room that Keagan brought me through the other night. I glance back at Simon and instead of leading me up the stairs and to his room, he leans back against the door and watches me with hooded eyes.

I raise my eyebrows and he gestures with his hand, curling his fingers and beckoning me towards him. I cross the distance between us and when I am in reach, he extends his arm and pulls me into him. His other hand goes to my face and a second later, he kisses me.

His lips move against mine with a hunger, his hands roaming down my body to grab my hips and pull me against him. I melt into the kiss, unable to think about much else with his large arms wrapping around my body easily. I couldn't tell how big the muscles in his arm were before, but now that they are gripping me tightly, I realize just how strong he is.

I pull back from the kiss reluctantly, but he doesn't let me go easily, still chasing after my lips to kiss me again even as I begin to speak.

"What does Simon say first?" I ask, eager to get to whatever he seems to have planned.

He smiles, his eyes sparkling as he watches me, both of our chests heaving up and down from the spirited kiss.

"Simon says... to the bedroom." he instructs, pointing towards the stairs.

I nod, turning around to walk down the hallway. His hands quickly return to my body, leading me further down and eventually pushing me into one of the rooms. He shuts the door behind us and I turn back around to face him.

"Next?" I ask.

"Simon says..." his voice trails off as he looks down between us at my dress. "Take this off."

I reach up to remove the dress over my shoulders, slipping my arms out and wiggling it down over my hips. I let it fall to the floor and his eyes rake over me, trailing a finger up one of my bare arms and running it over the top of my shoulder.

"You're following orders rather well." he says, raising his eyebrows.

I smile. "We've only just started."

"Get on the bed." he says, his voice commanding.

He uses the hand on my shoulder to push me backwards. I take a half step back and my knees hit a hard surface and I fall, stumbling back onto the bed. I look up at him from my now seated position with wide eyes.

"Ooh, I didn't say Simon says." he says, kneeling down in front of me and reaching to slip my shoes off. "You fell for that one. Literally."

I grit my teeth together. "That has to be against the rules."

"I thought you didn't care about rules?" he says, cocking his head to the side. "Plus, this is my game. I make the fucking rules."

Simon's voice is sharp, like the sting of metal as he lifts himself off of his knees and climbs onto the bed, crawling on top of me and pushing me onto my back. His lips are on mine a second later as he places himself between my legs and grinds into me. I melt into him once again, a moan threatening to escape from my lips.

He lifts himself up, reaching down to remove his shirt and discard it onto the floor. I watch the muscles in his abdomen and arm contract with every movement and reach out to touch him. He smiles, grabbing my wrists and bringing my hands up to wrap around his neck. He folds my fingers together so I am hooked there and leans back down to kiss me.

His hands trail down my body until he reaches the thin band of my underwear and slips it down over my legs, tossing it onto the floor with the rest of our clothes. I think he is going to remove his pants next, but he surprises me by grabbing my body and flipping us over so his back is now on the mattress and I am straddling his hips, looking down at him beneath me. My hair fans around my face as he grips my hips tightly.

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