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Shadow's P.O.V.
I arrived at my office in G.U.N. headquarters with zero intention to do some major work. I was already doing enough as it was.

"Why haven't you been at work lately?"

I looked up from my desk. Rouge was there.

"What do you want?" I sighed heavily.

"Did you finally ask the commander for a break off of work or what?" Rouge asked.

"No. He gave me another mission." I scoffed.

"What? That's crazy." Rouge said, walking closer to my desk and leaning against it.

"They want me to convince Sonic to work for the company." I explained. Rouge started laughing, "Sonic would never work for this company. He could never kill someone."

I nodded, "That's what I told him."

Rouge looked away, tapping her fingers on the desk in a repeated motion. She stopped a few seconds later and looked at me.

"I have an idea," she smirked.

3rd person P.O.V.
The azure hedgehog was watching tv in his living room until he heard the doorbell ring. His ears perked up at the the sound. Sonic rushed over to the door to answer it, being greeted by Shadow.

"Shadow!" He shouted, covering himself as he was wearing an shirt with huge letters that read the words: 'Momma's Boy' on it.

Shadow instantly started laughing, making Sonic glare at him. "Leave me alone!" He slammed the door in his face before Shadow used his foot to block the door from closing.

"Wait, Sonic! I just came here to talk!"

"You only came here to make fun of me!"

"But I didn't even know that you were wearing that until you answered the door!"

"I'm not talking about the shirt! I'm talking about what happened last night, asshole!"

Shadow stopped shouting at him, realizing what he was talking about. He soon felt the pressure on his foot lighten as he did.

"It wasn't your fault, Sonic." Shadow said softly. Sonic slowly eased up, opening the door wide enough for him to walk in.

"What do you want?" Sonic sighed, turning off his tv and sitting down on his couch.

"I wanted to bring you somewhere." Shadow said, sitting next to him. Sonic shifted his left leg slightly away from Shadow.

"Where do you want to bring me?" Sonic asked, glancing over at Shadow for a split second.

"It's a secret," Shadow told him, making Sonic suddenly look at him in curiosity.

"What do you mean? Why can't you just tell me right now?" Sonic was confused.

"Come with me and I'll show you." Shadow stood up and held his hand out to him. Sonic stared at his hand before reluctantly taking it.

Shadow took out a chaos emerald out from his quills before shouting, "Chaos...Control!"

Sonic opened his eyes, seeing that the both of them were on top of a hill. He looked over at Shadow who was getting in a skating position.

"What are you doing?" Sonic asked him.

"We're going to race," he replied. Sonic smiled and nodded, getting in a running stance besides his rival, Shadow.





They quickly dashed off, leaving a trail of dust behind them as they ran. Shadow passed in front of Sonic, making the blue hedgehog speed up in attempt to catch up to his rival. Soon, they both arrived where Shadow had wanted to bring him, Sonic winning the race.

"Take that!" Sonic snickered, rubbing the underside of his nose with his index finger.

Shadow scoffed, "You don't always have to do that embarrassing pose every time you win."

Sonic rolled his eyes before looking to see where Shadow brought him.

He gasped, "A chilli dog stand!" Sonic put his hands over his mouth, his tail wagging.

Shadow chuckled at his reaction.

"One chilli dog with cheese and jalapeños on it please!" Sonic almost immediately told the person working behind the stand. The worker brought Sonic his food after a few minutes.

Sonic licked his lips at the sight. It only took him one whole minute to eat the whole thing.

"You made a mess of yourself," Shadow chuckled at the sight of Sonic, who had crumbs all over his mouth.

Sonic blushed in embarrassment, quickly wiping his mouth. "Whatever." He mumbled, looking away from Shadow.

Rouge's P.O.V.
I watched the both of them from afar. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Especially Sonic, who had crumbs all over his mouth from the chili dog that he ate. I couldn't help but laugh when he got embarrassed.

"I told you that you only came here to make fun of me! You always do this!" I heard Sonic yell at Shadow from a distance, who was holding his stomach while laughing at him.

"I think we might need to get you a bib."


I couldn't help but smile at them.

It made me sad to think of the fact that Shadow was only using him.

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