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Shadow's P.O.V.
I sighed as I stood in front of the commanders desk. He had wanted to discuss about Sonics response to the question. It infuriated him to know he had denied wanting to work here.

"There must be some sort of way to convince him to work here." The commander insisted that I continued the mission.

"Sonic isn't going to work here. It doesn't matter if you force him or not." I argued with him. He clenched his fist and placed his chin on top of his hand.

"You haven't considered trying to date him, have you? I mean, it is possible that you can convince him if you do." The commander suggested. I immediately started shaking my head and crossing my arms, "No, I'm not going to do that. It's bad enough that I was forced to constantly hang out with him because of this damn mission." I said.

The commander sighed, "I'll double your pay, how about that?" He suggested. I shook my head, "You're going to have to cut my hours as well. I don't think it's fair that you give everyone else longer breaks than me."

He nodded, "Fine. I'll cut your hours. But only if you convince Sonic to work for us." The commander said. I nodded and left his office.

Rouges P.O.V.
I decided to go to Sonics house and check up on him because of what Shadow said. I knew that Shadow truly cared about him deep down even though he wouldn't admit it. Still, I can't risk anything happening to Sonic.

I knocked on his door for about a minute until he finally answered. He was rubbing his eyes with one hand and holding the door open with the other. He smiled once he noticed me.

"Morning. Something wrong?" Sonic asked, leaning against the doorframe with his head pressed against it.

I shook my head, "I just wanted to come and check on you. I'm worried about you, Blue."

"No, everything is fine." He pushed himself off of the doorframe, "The only weird thing is, Shadow came to my house last night and also asked me on how I was doing." Sonics smile faded slightly.

"That is weird. But I'm sure it's nothing. How about you hang out with me today? We'll go to the mall or something." I suggested.

"I don't know. What if Eggman attacks or something? I mean—" Sonic was cut off by me dragging him out of the house.

"Rouge! Hold on! I'm still in my pajamas!"

"Who cares?!"

Sonic's P.O.V.
We arrived at the mall in pajamas, causing everyone to stare at us. I stayed behind Rouge as much as possible, not wanting to be seen.

"Calm down, Blue. Who even cares about what other people think?" Rouge said. I groaned as Rouge continued showing me multiple shops until finally taking me inside one of the clothing shops.

"Look at this! Isn't it beautiful?" Rouge showed me a red mini dress with straps that gave accent to the shoulders.

"Mhm, I don't know. I'm a guy. I wouldn't know much about fashion, let alone girls fashion." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

Rouge rolled her eyes and placed it back onto the shelf before looking over at something. She quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me over to what she was looking at.

"I'm getting this for you." Rouge picked up a pair of black shorts that ended mid-thigh. It was tight around the hips as well. I doubt the shorts are even for boys at all.

"No! I can't be seen wearing that!" I tried snatching it from her hands. She pushed me away and put it out of my reach.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but I am getting these for you. Plus, you can just wear them at home. These are meant to be comfortable," she said.

I shook my head rapidly, "No, no, no! Those shorts are not meant for comfort! It looks like something a prostitute would wear!" I shout loudly, probably catching the attention of everyone in the store. Rouge laughed and pulled me over to the checkout counter and paying for the shorts before leaving.

"What the hell was that? You embarrassed us in front of the entire store!" Rouge shouted in a whisper. I crossed my arms and huffed, "Getting caught wearing those shorts is more embarrassing than that will ever be."

"Oh, I'll show you embarrassing—" Rouge raised her hand before someone grabbed it.

"What the hell are you arguing over now?"

"Shadow? Aren't you supposed to be at work or something? Plus, I was only buying Sonic some things before he started complaining." Rouge explained to him. Shadow sighed, letting go of her hand and grabbing the bag to check what was on the inside. He held it up and scoffed.

"Seriously? You're fighting over this?" Shadow laughed. I blushed and snatched it from his hands, which only made Rouge laugh.

"I didn't even want this! Rouge was the one who forced me to get it! Besides, you won't catch me dead wearing this." I looked over at Rouge who crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Break it up, break it up. I don't need the both of you getting into a cat fight in the middle of the entire mall." Shadow rolled his eyes and pulled me away from Rouge.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, punching his arm which didn't even make him flinch.

Rouge chuckled, "Shadow, do you mind taking Sonic home for me?" She handed him the shorts, "Also, make sure he wears that."

"Of course." Shadow grabbed the shorts and teleported me back to my house. I pushed him off of me once we appeared in the living room.

"Give me those shorts," I growled at him, only to be pushed away lightly.

"Nice try, Faker. But Rouge told me to make sure that you wear these shorts."

My eyes widened and I backed away.

"Shadow... get that thing away from me."



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