the trip.

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"You have everything you need, right? Lenses, clothing, ponchos..."

"Yes, Luce. I've got everything I need to survive for the next month on my own." The airport was bustling with people. My suitcases were packed, double and triple checked, and I couldn't be more excited. It was only a 7 hour flight, and FIFA had bought business class for me. The thing that bummed me out was that it was a redeye. The next morning would not be fun. Regardless, I was hyped for my new adventure.

"Well, you might miss your flight! You've got to get a move on Trin! But, a hug first?" She held out her arms with a hazy grin. I jumped into her arms, instantly feeling much warmer in her grasp. London was starting to get colder, and this hug felt amazing.

"I'll bring you back something. I love you so much, and tell Isaiah to cheer on Spain for me!" She rolled her eyes as she got back into her care and I walked into the airport. It definitely smelled like an airport, but I was quickly able to find where to check in, and my gate. My AirPod Maxes were charged, and I put them on. I scrolled through my playlists, and settled on a fully Spanish playlist. I instantly got lost in the music, the beautiful language mixed with the acoustic guitar sent me feeling happy and relaxed.

"Flight 0317 to Doha, Qatar is now boarding. Priority boarders step forward with your ticket at the ready." I put my AirPods away, and stood up to get in line. Along with my business class seat, FIFA had also covered priority boarding, 1 checked bag, 1 overhead bag, and 1 bag to keep with me. I felt like royalty. Maybe this is what the English team felt like whenever they went anywhere. 

"Enjoy your vacation." The woman said to me with a grin, and I walked down the ramp and into the aeroplane. My flight was a direct one, and as soon as I got on, it felt like a dream. Emirates was the best company to fly with in my opinion. I found my seat right away. It was a little compartment of its own with a seat that folded out into a bed, stocked mini fridge with drinks, a tv, and everything I could possibly need for my flight.

Shorter after everyone boarded, they went over basic safety that needed to be followed, what to do in case of an emergency, and we were taking off. I usually hated taking off, but the size of this plane was so big I felt at ease. The city of London was below me, and I couldn't help but stare lovingly at it. After moving from Valencia away from my friends and family to pursue a dream, I was worried it wasn't going to work out for me. Thankfully, I was wrong. I've worked with 3 different teams, each creating a loving environment for me, and I've had my best friend by my side the entire time. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Champagne?" Once we were flying at cruising altitude, the flight attendants came around with free champagne. How could someone say no? Normally I didn't drink on planes, but this was a special occasion. Heading to work at the World Cup, free boarding and amazing tickets to Doha. A girl couldn't ask for more.

Food came out a few hours later. It smelled delicious, and I learned it was called Bzar Chicken. The spices mixed with the taste of my refilled champagne was like heaven. It was the best aeroplane food I had ever tasted. I thanked the flight attendants, and decided to catch up on some photoshop edits I had been meaning to do.


At around 22 pm England time, they shut off the lights and turned on the mood lighting. There were little stars on the ceiling, as if I was looking at the night sky. We still had 3 hours left on our flight, but I was enjoying it regardless. I had managed to transform my seat into a bed, and was settling in for a nap. 

"Excuse me? Forgive me for intruding, but are you by any chance Trinity Stontin?" A little girl had seen me moving around, setting up my bed. I smiled at her. She looked around 8 years old.

"Yes, I am! What can I help you with?" She gave me a big smile and held out a notebook and pen.

"You're my hero. I didn't think a girl from London would ever become a World Cup photographer, but you did! Can I have your autograph?" My eyes felt watery. Never in my life had I ever heard someone be excited and want a photographer's autograph, but this girl had singlehandedly melted my heart by her gesture.

"Of course love!" I signed it and wrote a note to go with my signature.

dream big and someday you'll be able to do anything you want.

love, trinity stontin

She left all giddy and went to head back to her family in first class. I myself was pretty happy and had a hard time falling asleep after our little conversation.


"Greetings passengers. This is your captain speaking. We will be landing at Doha International Airport in about 30 minutes. Please gather your belongings, turn on your seat belts, and make sure all big electronic devices are stored away. Thank you for flying with Emirates, and we hope to see you again soon.

As soon as we started descending, the babies all started crying. I felt so bad for the parents. Many passengers were giving them dirty looks, but I gave them sympathetic looks. One woman even tried shushing the baby. Like that was going to work. I rolled my eyes are her idiotic action. Soon enough, we were landed. It was 4 am local time, and the city was asleep. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get any sleep today. I had been emailed my schedule, and I had already been assigned to take photos of teams in practice today. The World Cup started in 4 days, and here I was on my way to take pictures of some of the most famous people on earth. 

I got my overhead bag and walked over to baggage claim. Luckily, my suitcase arrived very quickly after they started showing the suitcases. I took a taxi from the airport to my hotel. It was outside of the main area, and had a train that ran from the hotel to all of the stadiums. I felt spoiled. 

My room was a king size with a balcony over looking the city. It was a breath taking view, and I took pictures immediately. FIFA had left me a few items waiting on the bed. My credentials, a keycard that grants access to media rooms, brand new cameras to use, and a water bottle that had the World Cup logo on it. 

This wasn't real. 

In London, it was 01 in the morning. Perhaps there was a chance Luci would be awake? I connected to the wifi and texted Luci.


landed! currently 04 am and i leave for my first job at 09 am. send help.

#1 fr 💗

yayyy! cant wait to see pics of u online <3 miss u already


miss u more bae

#1 fr 💗

try and get some sleep. love u, and text me when u leave for work.


sweet dreams <3

I did have sweet dreams. My dream was about a player, though. He was quiet handsome, but I couldn't quite picture his name. All I remember is that he had brown hair

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