london boys.

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Mallory and I slept for a long time. So long that the time we woke up, four boys were hovering over us. They had brought a brown bag, which I assumed was full of our breakfast for the day.

"Mason, Jude, Jack, and Declan, why are you here? It's only 8 in the morning." Jude laughed as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear that was previously in front of my face. 

"Trinity, it's 1 pm." I gasped. Mallory was still sound asleep. Declan was walking over to her, planning to splash water on her face.

"Don't you dare." I hissed to him, and sighed sadly. He put the water bottle down on a nearby table, and sat down on the couch in my room. 

"Get ready and then we can hang out today! We don't have anything to do, and what's a better idea than hanging out with my favorite photographer?" He winked, and I swooned.

"You flatter me." I started shaking Mallory until she woke up, and headed into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on a white crop top and black jean shorts. I applied some mascara, then called it a day. Mallory went in after me, and changed into a tank top and athletic shorts.

"Late night? Were you talking to perhaps Gavi? Or maybe Neymar? Oh, I couldn't forget the most important, our beloved Mason." I sat down next to Jack as he started drilling me with questions. "Trinity, what do you even see in Gavi? All I see is a little boy who has no clue what he's doing. Hell, he's not even playing in the Prem! I'm just saying, I think you should go after someone who knows where their life is going." I looked at him, then my eyes darted over to Mason. He was staring intently at his phone, probably texting family or something.

"You know, maybe I will go after someone who knows what they're doing in life!" Mason's eyes immediately switched focus from his phone to me. Declan raised an eyebrow. "How about none other than Jude Bellingham?" Jude spit out his water.

"What-" He looked extremely confused. "Trinity, you know I love you, but not exactly like that." I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Jude I'm kidding. I only see you as a good friend." He returned the hug, and gave me a classic warm smile.

"Me too, me too." Jack rolled his eyes, and pretending to throw up. 

"Boring! Stop displaying this stupid best friend crap. We all know you would let Jude hit if he asked." My face flushed.

"Jack that is not true at all."

"Mhm...whatever you say love." He said in a brotherly matter. Mallory walked out of the bathroom, and sat down next to me. 

"Did you guys bring Jimmy John's? I've been craving that." She yawned, and we all stared at her with a confused expression. "What? Do they not have Jimmy John's in Europe?" We all nodded. She gasped. "Y'all are missing out." She grabbed a nearby bag of chips and started eating them. We watched her for a little while, then turned back to our conversation.

"So not Jude?" Mason questioned as he pulled out a sandwich from the brown bag.

I shook my head. "Not Jude. Maybe someone else.." I let the statement sink in, but it died down pretty quickly as Jude put his arm around my shoulder. 

"Only friends. I think she would look good with a British boy, or perhaps a Brazilian?" I laughed as I leaned back into his touch. 

"Like I would be able to even talk to a Brazilian. I may be fluent in Spanish and English, but I barely know any Portuguese." Declan shrugged. 

"Maybe it's time to learn a new language?" I looked at him for a while, then raised an eyebrow.

"How about we learn a language together, Mister Only-Playing-In-England-Where-They-Speak-English?" Everyone burst out laughing as Declan looked extremely embarrassed. 

"Oh man, even I'm learning a new language! Just call me Mister Español." Mason said with a smirk, and leaned back.

"Oh really? Say something to me." I teased as I took a bite of a ham and cheese sandwich. He thought for a few moments, then gave me a smile.

"Trinity, por favor dile a Jude que quite su mano de tu hombro." (Trinity, please tell Jude to take his hand off your shoulder.) I gasped, and raised an eyebrow with a smirk displayed on my face.

"¿O que? ¿Vas a atacar?" (Or what? Are you going to attack?) He paused for a brief moment as he tried to translate, then gave me a confident smile.

"Sí, lo haré. El único chico que debería pasarte el brazo por los hombros soy yo." (Yes, I will. The only boy who should be putting his arm around your shoulder is me.) I felt my face heat up a little as I turned to Jude.

"Jude, Mason would like for you to take your hand off my shoulder." I said quietly. Declan almost chocked on his sandwich. 

"WHAT?! That's what Mason said? Seems like someone's jealous." He teased, and Mason threw a pillow in his direction.

"Of course I will. Did you feel uncomfortable? I didn't mean for it to be like that-" I cut him off.

"No! I actually was quite comfortable. Your muscles are very nice to lean into." I gave him a smile, and he returned the favor. Mason cleared his throat, and Jude quickly let go. 

"Well, I would say this has been a nice hangout. How about we take this elsewhere? Perhaps the beach?" Mason started picking up the trash as he threw out the idea. We all nodded in agree.

"Sounds like fun! We have to make sure the crazy fans don't see us though.." Jack pondered. I shoved his shoulder.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! I call riding with Mal!" Mallory gave me a cheeky smile as she finished her chips.

"I'd say us Americans party the best. Maybe we could even go clubbing after?" She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. My eyes grew big, and I gave me a smirk.

"Hell yeah! Let's get this party on the road!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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