Colby Brock x reader

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Colby x reader

⚠️Warnings ⚠️
-Cursing (will probably always be a warning)


The Octagon Manor.

Its name comes not, as one might think, from the number of sides to the floorplan, but the number of angles in the building. Apparently, this was more than enough to earn the moniker of being ‘octagonal’ in its day.

Anyways, there were many spirits rumored to be there but the most famous and active spirits were the Tayloe family. It was said that one of daughters of John Tayloe III died after a freak accidental fall down the three-story staircase. Some have heard deathly screams at night yet they were the only ones in the house at the time. The earliest report of this ghastly occurrence dates back to 1908.

"(Y/n) come one we have to go!" Yelled Kat from downstairs. I quickly shut my laptop keeping the Octagon Manor open incase I decided to research a bit more on the way there. "Coming!" I answered shoving my laptop into my dark brown bag before slinging it over my shoulder and running down the stairs.

There sat Kat and Sam at the kitchen looking at something on his phone. Their eye snapped to mine, both of them giving me a smile, and they stood up grabbing their own bags.

"Is mine in the car already?" I asked, not seeing my other bag, full of clothes, at the door where I had previously left it.

"Yep. Colby took it to the car with his stuff." She affirmed, right before a honk was heard, from most likely Colby.

We all gave eachother a look, heading to the door and walked to the famous, one and only, corolla.

Music could already be heard from outside the car so I walked to Colby's window, peaking in. He was bobbing his head to the music which made me smile.

I knocked on the window, making him jump a bit, and he rolled it down, cracking it. "Where am I sitting?" I asked. I guessed I'd be in the back, but didn't want to assume. This is only the second 'ghost hunt' I've been on with them.

I've know Colby and Sam for about a year. I actually knew Kat first. Her and I had mutual friends and one thing led to another and now we're best friends. Six months later I met Sam and about a year after that I met Colby and the rest of the crew.

Colby told me I was in fact in the back with Kat. Telling me Sam had already called shotgun the day prior, which I think should be illegal, but I didn't really mind. Me and Kat usually either nap or chat eachothers ears off.

Three hours of rock music and research on the Manor, we finally arrived. The outside of the Manor was actually well kept compared to what the pictures showed. So no creepy ivy like I thought and a freshly trimmed lawn. Not so scary.

"Alright guys let's go walk through the house real quick before we start the video. The tour guide said he couldn't make it today because his car died." Sam announced to the small group. "He said that there isn't really much to worry about. Just don't break anything or piss anything off if we can."

Immediately me, Kat, and Colby laughed. We were totally making something want to kill us tonight. We usually did.

The first thing about the house I noticed when we first walked in was a weird smell. No, not a rotting smell, but like a vinegar smell. Unusual but not weird enough to note.

"This place is actually a lot cleaner than I thought it was going to be." Kat spun around slowly taking in all the attractions the house had to offer. Fresh flowers in flower pots, clean mirrors with no hand prints, and only slightly creaky floors. "Yeah. I guess they keep it pretty tidy."

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