2 The Preperation

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The sentencing was a blur. Daedalus had to stand trial in front of King Minos for a crime that he never technically committed, and the one person he cared for more than anything in life had to be punished for it.

When Minos reminded the court that Daedalus created the labyrinth and then let the king's son suffer in it, and for that Icarus will meet his fate in the same maze, Daedalus stood and volunteered to take his adopted son's place.

"Minos," he pleaded, "Let me go in his place. It was my choices that led to this, not his."

The king-judge pondered for a moment. His highness thought that there was no way Daedalus would remember the inner workings of the maze after two decades.

"Daedalus, I know you care for this boy. I also know you lost your real one many years ago. Part of me is deeply sorry for that. For a father will never get over the loss of his son."

"Icarus, whether of blood or choice, is all I have left."

"Well, if you are so interested in going into the labyrinth, you can both meet your fate!"

He concludes.

"Very well, your majesty," Daedalus replied without meeting the boy's eyes.

"Let it be known, Daedalus will be cleared of his crime when justice is served. A clear record will be granted on three conditions. Completion of the maze. The conquering of the labyrinth's new Minotaur, and lastly, the death of Daedalus's designated son."

"Daedalus!" Icarus exclaims with fear.

"It's okay, Rus. I won't let them hurt you," his father-by-choice reassures him.

With the conclusion of the hearing, the two are escorted out of the great hall, still in chains, to the east tower by two humongous guards. Without a word, they are brought to the doorway of a room that seemed tucked away from the rest of the castle.

The door opens to reveal a dimly lit room and two serving men much older than Icarus waiting there. One is tall with long, powerful legs, a slim waist, and a well-defined upper body; the other is a bit shorter with a strong barrel chest, round belly, and massive arms.

The guards bring the pair in and then leave. The two look around.

The warm light is coming from a large fireplace at the other end of the room. In front of the fire, there sits two chairs facing each other. In between Icarus and Daedalus and the small thrones is a large bathing basin with steam coming off of the freshly heated water.

"What is this place?" Icarus asks

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"What is this place?" Icarus asks. "It looks similar to the bathhouses back home?"

"You have been to the baths?" Daedalus asks his stepson.

"Yes, sir. Don't all men go to the baths?" he retorts with a shy smile.

"You are here to be cleaned, shaved, and defruited—battle tradition," the shorter servant says in a deep, raspy voice. "I am Tevis. I shall be young Icarus's servant and cleaner."

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