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A/N: Hey. So I have been kinda addicted to kidnapping stories lately, so I decided to write my own. I hope that everyone enjoys this. I am also writing another story along with this one. So please just be patient with posting times. Thank you for reading.

"Hailey! Come on! We are gonna be late for school!" I see Hailey sprinting down the stairs with her brown curly hair flying behind her. I giggle as she throws her backpack down the stairs, having it land right beside me. She then jumps down the rest of the stairs and lands perfectly, striking a pose. She wobbles and falls into me. I burst out laughing as I try to keep both of us standing. Hailey starts laughing too and we finally balance out, still laughing. My mom rushes into the room, still putting her earring in. She looks at us laughing and smiles, grabbing her purse off of the coat rack.

"Good. You girls are ready to go. We are gonna be late. Let's go." Hailey grabs her backpack off the floor and starts walking towards the door. We grab hands, smiling at each other as we walk out of the door.


We pull up to the school. We go to a small school in the small town of Staunton, Virginia. Nothing interesting ever happens here. Hailey and I jump out of the car, saying goodbye to our mom.

"Girls, don't forget. I will be bringing your birthday cupcakes to the school later today." We nod, smiling. We start walking away, grabbing hands again. We start talking to each other quickly, so excited that it's our birthday. Hailey and I are twins. We are identical twins. We both have brown, curly hair and sea green eyes. We both have naturally tanned skin, even though we never go outside. We are turning 9 today. 9 is an exciting age. We are in 4th grade and we were some of the youngest kids in our classes. But now that we are 9, we are the same age as everyone else. We get into the school and our friends Cadance and Katelyn walk up to us. We hug both of them, smiling. We pull back, all of us looping arms and walking down the hall. We get to our lockers, which are all next to each other. We open them up and put our jackets in there. We all have to wear a school uniform. We have a blue skirt with a white shirt and blue jacket. We also have identical black shoes, with long white socks. It seems like a uniform that you would see in London or something like that. But we have to wear them. But it makes it funnier for Hailey and I. Because then you can't tell the difference from us. At all. So we jokingly switch classes and pass each other's tests for one another. It's quite helpful to both of us. We both have straight A's because of one another. We are super close, as you can tell. We go to our first classes. Sadly, Hailey and I only have one class together, which is homeroom. It is the school's way to try and remember who is who. I go to science class while Hailey goes to English. I sit down and look around. My stomach is jumping up and down with excitement. I can't wait for our class birthday party later. But it is during the last period of the day. Which means that I am going to have to wait for hours until we can bring cupcakes to our class. I start messing with the buttons on my shirt, bored out of my mind. The teacher walks in and does attendance. After attendance we start class. Today we are taking notes of the photosynthesis process. We grab out our notebooks and start taking notes with the teacher. I'm not really paying attention. Science is Hailey's thing. I just take the notes and try not to fall behind. English is my thing. So whenever we have tests for our classes that we are good at, we switch and help each other out. It's really good. Especially because Hailey and I have almost identical handwriting, so the teachers can never tell us apart. Science class goes by surprisingly fast and the bell rings. I pack up my stuff and go to English class. Hailey and I pass in the hall and high five each other, walking past each other to our next classes.

Kidnapping TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now