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               ¤▪︎¤Jisung's Pov¤▪︎¤   

Today,we have to go back to school as we have no choice. First morning in a new home, it feels so nice to know I don't have to hide that Minho drives me to school anymore or anything else. 

All of the secret moments and hiding is over, even if his mother doesn't know, she doesn't have to exactly know. Because what matters is we are both safe and we have some shelter. 

I am selfish for enjoying these moments because at the end of the day, because of love, I broke his family apart, more like his relationship with his mother. His father is cool with it I think, because if he wasn't, I don't think he would have helped me. 

One of these days,I'll have to go and talk to him. I need to thank him in person for helping me because I know for one thing that the chief normally doesn't come for an abuse call. 

Minho is still sleeping peacefully but for once, I'm the first one up. Doesn't he have class before me though? I nudge him awake as he just turns over placing his leg over mine. "Go back to sleep baby" I hear Minho mumble before he fell back to sleep himself. 

"Minho,classes. Up, go" I nudge him again before he curses. He opens his brown eyes looking at me before grabbing his phone. 

"I still got 30 more minutes" Minho says setting down his phone. 30? What the hell is he talking about? 

"Minho, you still have to get dressed,eat,and drive there. That takes time. Hell getting you up is going to take that long" 

I hear him mumble something under his breath before sitting up as he gets on top of me sitting directly on me "Give me a little wake up then" 

"Pervert" I laugh before trying to nudge him off but he stays locked in place. Even in the morning, he is hot as hell. His light brown hair is all ruffled and fluffy but his eyes seem alert enough to me. He's just using it as a excuse to love on me. 

Not that I mind it,it's just he's wasting time. "Minho, go" I pat his ass quickly before he sighs. 

"Trying to get rid of me already? The professor isn't going to be there until late anyways. He's always late." 

"No,babe, I love you but you have to get there before he does. It is the first day after all. " I kiss him quickly before I attempt to sit up with him in my lap. 

He kisses me roughly again before pulling back biting my lip very lightly. "You're lucky because if it were up to me, I would be fucking you again" He winks at me before getting up putting on his clothes. 

His classes are like a hour or so difference so I have about a hour and a  half alone in this new apartment. I would drive him to school but lets face it, he's a big boy. 

After Minho left, I started folding clothes and after that I watched anime. Because really now,without him, I'm lost. 

                |♥︎|Minho's Pov|♥︎| 

My favorite part of college, being in class with Jisung. The teacher placed me next to him as I was 'acting up'. Really I did that on purpose, no one except for my brother knows anyways and he isn't in any of my classes but one which is for a dance major.

Jisung isn't here yet, I hope he is here but after this morning, I'm sure he is. 

Minho23:Where are you?

PDHan:I'm talking with Felix, chill. 

Minho23: Gossiping I'm assuming?

PDHan: Shush and focus, I'll tell you later. 

Tell me later, what possibly can it be? Nah don't tell me drama went down again. Can we not catch a break for one day? I mean I had my fill of drama for the year and now this? 

Anymore and I swear I am about to bring alcohol to school. Jisung walks into the classroom beaming with excitement so it must be good news I think. 

One minute til the bell rings, I honestly don't care to be around people and people don't want to be around me. That's the way I like it because I have the only person, other than my brother, that I need. 

The teacher begins the lecture but it's really just a recap from last year as I see Jisung writing lyrics pretending to write down notes. "Oo Mr.goodie not paying attention for once?" I whisper in his ear. 

He nudges my foot playfully. "You aren't paying attention either,so you have no place to speak either" 

I run my hand from his knee up to his upper thigh as I cause a reaction to bloom in him. Jisung smacks my thigh then says "Behave Lee Minho" 

"Oh we are using full names now? When did you start doing that?" 

"Well I sure in the hell can't call you baby or d a d d y here" That little brat, we still have a different class to go to and this is how he is acting. If I wasn't afraid of him making a sound I would blow him under the table. 

"Okay Han Jisung are we really playing this game? We still have another class you know. I would hate for you to be wrecked before your next class" I tease him. Would I? He knows I would. 

His eyes go wide as he whips his head over in my direction "Hush you dirty minded man." Me? Nah. Not at all. 

"You know I would do that and you're just afraid I would." I mumble back to him as he softly laughs. 

"Sure you would. Just like pigs meow" Jisung says smiling. 

"Then you better be selling that pig to the circus because that piggie meows." I tell him as he kisses my cheek

"Alright then it's a plan my love"  Jisung flirts back as time rolls by very slowly as I would almost bang my head on a wall if it made time tick by faster.

Finally class was over as I grab Jisung by his wrist dragging him into a empty classroom and locked the door. 

He leans back against the wall as he says "Froggy enough to jump Lee Minho?" 

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