"This book is the perfect mixture of deep and hilarious. I'm in love with that" - crackhead4ever
Teen fiction has given cheerleaders a bad rap. And stereotypical appearances. Courtney knows this.
She is a cheerleader.
Is she a pretty blonde with b...
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👤MicahJackson12 ♥️ NerdyGirlAubrey, KimberBerry, and others
Cory_Hart: Got to watch a great concert from the sound booth. Tip for girls out there, get you a guy who runs the tech, it's the best spot in the house! True it was a small indie band I had no idea who they were but hey, he's making his way in the world.
Next it could be working at arenas. So for that end goal I think I'll keep him around.
LynnChoiOT7: Got it, dump Aiden since he is only a sports medicine major and date tech guy.
Aiden_football_boy: Thanks for notifying me of your intentions. I'll be avoiding your calls from now on to put off the break up.
NerdyGirlAubrey: Aww bummer! I really liked dating my science nerd. He just transferred to Stanford after all.
Cory_Hart: Sacrfices for good seats must be made. Sorry Nathan.
NerdyGirlAubrey: He won't see this, he doesn't like social media.
LynnChoiOT7: #KeepTheNerd.
Aiden_football_boy: Sure you'll support Aubrey but not think twice about our relationship. This is painful.
MicahJackson12: With all the broken relationships that are happening I feel like I should have chosen a different career choice to protect love.
Cory_Hart: Chose another career and we're done.
MicahJackson12: Woah, so you only love me for the good seats.
Cory_Hart: Yes, I'm holding out for a Hey Farewell concert.
LynnChoiOT7: Smart thinking!
RosieWriter: Girl knows her priorities
KimberBerry: I support this relationship abuse.
NerdyGirlAubrey: I really hope no one we know outside of these people see these conversations, they might think we are the worst people in the world.
Cory_Hart: The world is cruel, do what you can to get what you want.
MicahJackson12: I'm relieved you said that, I'm only dating you for the free clothes.