Chapter 43 - "The weather isn't a metaphor."

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Courtney was not going to see the sky as a metaphor. Was the sky dark and gray and ominous? Yes. Was it this way despite it being Southern California and rain clouds like this were a rarity? Also yes. Was this shift in weather completely unpredictable? Yes, yes, and yes.

But she was not going to take the weather as a metaphor for the coming day.

"What are you doing?" her father asked her.

"Not taking the weather as a metaphor," Courtney said, hovering on the front steps, aware that she could hear light raindrops falling.

"Well in case that metaphor becomes personified you should take this."

When her father held out an umbrella to her, Courtney inspected it as if there was a deeper meaning to the object than what it appeared. Which in the perspective of someone who had been denying the weather was a metaphor this wasn't completely bizarre.

No, it was completely bizarre. She was being weird and needed to stop.


She snatched the umbrella and hurried to her car. Was it starting to rain? Yes. But that simply meant the upper atmosphere had changed and that didn't mean anything to Courtney's life.

Correction, it meant that things needed to be rearranged because gym classes would be inside today. Inside where Courtney planned to work for all of first period. The weather was not a metaphor!

At a stop light, Courtney pulled up a number and called it, setting her phone on speaker.

"What is it?" Miguel answered.

Some would have thought the dark clouds outside would be the dictation of his mood but Courtney knew by now that greetings to people close to him were superfluous.

"The weather isn't a metaphor," Courtney said.

"I didn't think it was. Anything else?"

"This means we need to find a space big enough to work in this morning."

"Ah, the net and leaves."

"Yes. Do you think if we raised the back curtains we could lay it out on the stage?"

"It's possible. But the stage is less than half the size of the gym."

Freaking aliens! Courtney sent a sharp glare to the sky.

"You know I think it's really inconsiderate of the weather to be messing with my plans like this."

"Is the weather a metaphor or personified? I think you need to decide which it is," Miguel said.

"You don't think the weather is complex enough to be both."

"I think it would clarify how much weight you're putting on something you have zero control over."

It was a solid point. But if the weather wasn't to blame that meant she couldn't curse the sky later on when something happened.

Nothing was going to happen, it would all be fine. Nuts! Had she just jinxed it? Did this mean something would happen? Was it because she thought of cursing the sky, as dramatic as that sounded and would look?

When one plan fails reevaluate and create another. There, no reason to curse the sky, nothing had gone wrong. Yet.

Dang! Why had she thought that?

"You're quiet," Miguel said. "Are you overthinking or giving the subject too much consideration."

"More consideration than the weather is giving me."

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