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👤MicahJackson12♥️NerdyGirlAubrey, KimberBerry and others

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♥️NerdyGirlAubrey, KimberBerry and others

Cory_Hart: Micah looks that happy because I told my dad we're dating and Micah was allowed to keep his name!

Must mean my dad is either growing as a person or he likes Micah.

It could be either one!

LynnChoiOT7: Was Micah in danger of losing his name?

Aiden_football_boy: Don't you know this, her dad takes away the names of guys she dates. I don't think he ever used my name.

LynnChoiOT7: wow should I feel weird that my dad does know your name and uses it?

Aiden_football_boy: It would be weirder if he didn't, he's known me my whole life. And we go golfing together.

Kimberberry: You golf with Lynn's dad? Since when?

Aiden_football_boy: A few months. I was with my dad and we ran into each other. Since my dad sucks at golfing Lynn's dad offered to go with me more.

LynnChoiOT7: He loves golfing with you. Everyone time he comes home after a trip he says he feels like he got years back on his life.

Aiden_football_boy: Yeah because he takes them from me. We talk about the future and it freaks me out.

LynnChoiOT7: You're fine. You'll get your acceptance letter. Don't stress.

Aiden_football_boy: You telling me not to stress doesn't actually make me stop stressing

LynnChoiOT7: Do you need me to come over with cookies and tell you it will be fine?

Aiden_football_boy: Yes please.

LynnChoiOT7: So dramatic. Fine.

Rebel_to_the_Max: Why does this caption not seem bizarre to me?

Cory_Hart: Because you visited my house enough to know the definition of normal means something different to my dad.

MicahJackson12: Is your dad's level of bizarre hereditary?

Cory_Hart: I'm not answering that question. It might make you rethink being in a relationship with me.

Rebel_to_the_Max: Run Micah, Run! Get out while you can.

Cory_Hart: Ah, here is the payback for all the times I've insulted you during cheer practice. It's not my fault you're behind everyone else.

Rebel_to_the_Max: I'm catching up.

Cory_Hart: Because my insults are motivating.

Rebel_to_the_Max: Or abusive.

Cory_Hart: Tomato potato

MicahJackson12: That answers my question. It is hereditary.

RosieWriter: Am I the only one who wishes my dad would take away guys name?

KimberBerry: My dad does that if the guy has hurt me.

NerdyGirlAubrey: My dad takes forever to even learn my boyfriend's name. He's still calling Nathan that kid. And I don't think it's in the same way that Cory's dad uses it.

RosieWriter: I mean that's better than some of the names my dad called my last boyfriend.

KimberBerry: But not as bad as the things we called him.

Cory_Hart: Which were all deserved. Rosie stick to your made up guys and don't date until we find you someone. The last guy was 💩😡🤬

RosieWriter: Are the emojis really necessary?

NerdyGirlAubrey: Do you need us to recount what he did to you?

RosieWriter: Never mind. Go crazy with the emojis.

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