Gator hunt Part 1

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(Making this because everyone from my previous fanfic is hunting for a little someone. This story will have tons of violence so if you don't like it you can skip it.)

It was another peaceful day in the mega pizza plex, everyone having a wonderful time playing around in the attractions they had. Little did Gator boy know that this peaceful nice day was about to get destroyed by 5 people. They all arrived at the Mega Pizza Plex with huge backpacks and sweaters, nobody questioned them since it was a busy day. They all went to a restroom that was mostly empty "Okay everyone we're finally here you got your weapons." Demon asked everyone, "yes we have everything here" Emodeer said as they all showed there weapons. "You sure you ain't joining us in the hunt Potatoes?" Noondrop asked her, "I'm sure, I'll be are get away driver I don't want to get involved to much." Potatoes responded leaning against a restroom stall, "Okay then, let's all leave the weapons at the party room we reserved. Then we will head over to the reptiles room, got it" Demon said, everyone nodded, and left the restroom. A little kid got out of the stall standing there confused "What just happened..."

~time skip~
It was around closing time, so the Plex was mostly empty. They put on parts and service uniforms so nobody will suspect them. They all started to walk towards Monty's room, having there weapons in hand except for the flamethrower since they will get caught, so that stayed behind. Maxie knocked on his door loudly waiting for a response, "Go away!" Monty yelled out not even standing up to see who it is. "Dont be like that gator boy, open up the door" Maxie said as getting ready to use force. "I SAID TO GO THE FUCK AWAY!" "So be it." Soon Maxie got her axe and started to break the door open. "What the fuck" "Hello gator boy. Your coming with us" Maxie said as everyone slowly approached him. "Get away from me!" Monty yelled as everyone got a hold of him, pinning him down on the floor.
       "Potatoes pass us the rope!" Emodeer shouted, she soon rushed over to get the rope, tying him up to keep him from attacking. "Okay got it let's power him off and get going!" Demon said as they kept Monty down. "Don't you ev-" before he could finish his sentence he was powered off. "Let's go hard part down!" Maxie said celebrating that the hardest part of the whole plan was done. "Okay help me cary him out. Put him in this bin it has wheels on it." Potatoes said as she pushed in the bin, everyone soon got a hold of Monty but struggled to get him on. "Why is he so heavy!" Noondrop complained, after a bit they had finally got him in the bin.
      "Okay someone help me push him to the room." Potatoes said, soon they started to push the bin, but was soon stopped by security "What are you all doing out here? Shouldn't you all be in parts and service?" They asked looking towards everyone." Everyone started to look at each other panicking that they were about to get caught, "We just came to transport all of these extra parts back, they were to heavy so I asked for help." Maxie quickly said before they got even more suspicious, "Well we need one of you guys to come fix chicas beak again." They said, everyone started to panic since none of them really had any experience in working with animatronics "Potatoes you go" Noondrop whispered to her. "Wait why me!?" She whispered yelled, "Because you aren't going to join in the fun." He replied pushing Potatoes forward, "Okay I'll go check up on her Sir." Potatoes said trying to sound professional. "She's in her room the supplies you need is already there get going." They told her, soon leaving them alone. "Great..." "Good luck Potatoes we're counting on you!" Emodeer shouted as they ran away leaving Potatoes behind, to fix up the mess.
     They all arrived to the party room (Except Potatoes) setting Monty down in a chair that was in the middle of the room. They tied him down tightly so he wouldn't attack, they turned most of the lights off keeping only one on. "Can someone power him on so we can begin" Demon asked them, one of them turned him back on. "W-where am I..." Monty said as he woke up, not recognizing the room he was in. "Good morning sleepy head how did ya slept" Noondrop said giggling at his face expression. "What the hell did you do to me. Why am I even here..." Monty said looking at everyone with anger in his eyes.
     Emodeer got there machete in hand and pointed it straight at him, "You know exactly what you did. We won't take your punishment lightly." they said having a hint of hatred in there eyes. (Ya know how like sans has that one eye that glows, just like that) "I didn't do anything wro-" Emodeer pierced his leg, moving the machete around to make it more painful. "AGH!" "Wrong answer." "Let us give you a hint to make it easier for you, Sun" Noondrop said as he picked up his hammer about to pull off his hand. "You mean that little mistake made yo-" "SHUT UP! You are not allowed to call him like that!" Noondrop yelled ripping Monty's hand off. "AAAA!" Monty screamed from all of the pain. "This is what you get. For making feel like every mistake that has happened was because of him. You don't know how miserable he has been feeling because of you." Noondrop said as he stricken again with his hammer, "Now we will make you feel the same pain he did, except even worse." Emodeer stated. Both Emodeer and Noondrop backed up a bit after destroying him a bit, switching out with Demon and Maxie.
      "Finally are turn. I've been wanting to use this flamethrower for a while" demon said but was soon stopped by Maxie "don't over do it. We have to keep him alive and I want to have a turn" Maxie stated "Fine I won't fully kill him..." Demon whinned, once heard to not full go chaos mode on him. "Y-you guys are mo-onstres..." Monty managed to say to them, "You just noticed~" Demon said having an evil smile on his face. "AGH!" Monty shirked in pain, as Maxie chopped off his whole leg, oil dripping down out of him quickly. After a bit Demon signaled for everyone to back up a bit, "It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Days like these Gators like you, SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL."
   Demon said as he burned Monty's body. Loud screams where heard coming out of the lizard. Soon Potatoes arrived, "Hey everyone I'm back-" she was soon cut off by a loud scream, Demon soon stopped seeing the fire grow.
     "What did I miss..." Potatoes stated as everyone rushed out of the room, "SOMEONE GET A FIRE EXTINGUISHER FAST!" Emodeer shouted, Noondrop came back rushing with the fire extinguisher in hand. Putting out the fire, "That was a close one..." Demon muttered. A few guards saw the commotion and started to walk towards them, "Shit. Everyone in now." Potatoes said pushing everyone back inside, "You think they saw us?" Maxie asked. There was a knock on the door, "Pretty sure..." Demon whispered. Everyone looked at Potatoes once more, "Seriously." Soon she went towards the door opening it slightly making sure they didn't see Monty.
"Hello there. What do you need?" Potatoes asked them, trying her best to not look too suspicious. "What's all this commotion over here? We saw smoke coming out of the room is everyone okay in there?" Security asked trying to peek inside the room, "Everything is okay! Just Demon setting the cake on fire..." she lied. They just looked at her weirdly "Okay then... Just don't burn the plex down." They said, leaving soon. Potatoes went back inside the room, "It's okay there gone now... Don't do that again or we will get caught." She scolded at everyone. "So you guys are almost done with him? So we can show Sun and Moon your little revenge" "Yep! He's mostly out of it, and we don't want him to get actually hurt..." Maxie said as they looked back to see Monty vearly holding on. "So who's going to get them?" Potatoes asked since they only had 3 daycare passes. "You guys can go I want to finish him off." Demon said as they looked back to see Monty, "I'll stay to make sure he doesn't burn down the place." Maxie said. Soon Potatoes, Noondrop, and Emodeer headed out to get Sun and Moon.

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(I decided to make it into 2 parts since it was getting a bit long. The last part will be released later today so you guys don't hate to worry :) have a wonderful day/night)

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