I just know it

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When Bruce left the meeting room, he was devastated for his soulmate. He found Peter crouched against the wall, head in his hands sobbing uncontrollably. He knew nothing he said could console him so he crouched down beside Peter and wrapped his arms around him. He could feel Peter relax slightly under your touch, but still couldn't change the never ending heartbreak coming from his soul mark.

As the others began to leave the meeting room, they saw how upset Peter was and decided to give the soulmates some time to console each other

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As the others began to leave the meeting room, they saw how upset Peter was and decided to give the soulmates some time to console each other. Bruce wiped peters tears and picked him up and Carried him into their shared room and gently placed him on the bed, where Peter passed out from exhaustion.

A couple hours later, Jarvis alerted the avengers that there would be a meeting in 15 minutes. Bruce sighed and slowly stroked his hand across peters cheek. "Hey baby wake up" Bruce said softly. Peter began to stir. Bruce gave him a sad smile "How are you" Bruce said softly. "I'm okay" Peter said brokenly. "We have to go to the meeting to discuss the mission" Bruce said. " I know, I just miss her you know" Bruce gave him a forehead kiss in response. Peter began to get ready for the meeting. In fact, Bruce did know, Peter always talked about Chloe his older sister. How she was so smart and brave and how he looked up to her and then one day she was just gone. He broke down almost every time he spoke about Chloe so Bruce knew this meeting would be a tough one.

Once Peter was ready, they joined there hands and head down to the meeting. Once everyone was sat down, Steve began to talk about what the mission was. "So our mission is to capture Empress, she has been identified as a product of hydra and has countless abilities. She is strategic and a very strong fighter so we need to be united to capture her." "Peter can you tell us a bit about how you knew her". Peter gulped and nodded slightly. "Chloe is my sister, she practically raised me with Aunt may. She was always there for me, a,ways happy and laughing. She was beautiful and always honest. She was very smart and she always helped me with school work she graduated from high school early and left for college at 15". Peter sniffed and tightened his grip on Bruce's hand. "When I was 11, I remember getting a call from her saying she loved me and to grow into the kind smart man she knew I would. Chloe sounded upset in the video so I played it for Aunt may. I tried call her back but no one answered" He sobbed "and I haven't heard from her since". "How can you be sure its her" Steve questioned carefully. "I just know it" He says. "I could recognise her eyes anywhere and look" Everyone looked at Peter confused, he reacted in his pocket and pulled out a crumpled photo of 2 young kids. They couldn't deny the likeness of "Chloe" and "Empress". "Okay kid" Tony said patting his back. "Thanks for sharing that with us Peter" Steve said softly. Peter nodded.

"Now the plan" Steve began. "Empress is going to be tough to beat, I need to make sure everyone knows their position and what to do". "According to Fury she is heading for the Canadian border we need to to intercept her before she can get there".

"Nat, Clint and Pietro you guys are going to be in the car next to here I need you to cut off her car causing her to swerve and hopefully stop the car. Wanda, Sam and Me will be on disarming her, fighting her and trying to knock her out, we won't be able to take her back awake. Tony and Bucky back up. Tony I need you in the sky, fighting for above, her fire will melt your suit so be careful" Steve said. "Thanks for the heads up Cap" Tony said sarcastically.

 "Bruce and Peter I'm going to have you sit out on this one"

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"Bruce and Peter I'm going to have you sit out on this one". "What why" Peter questioned "she's my sister". "We are going to do whatever we can to capture her, we don't want to hurt her but we have to, to keep her from hydra" He spoke. "You love her, I don't want it to break you when she fights you. From the sound of it she won't remember you". Peter processed his words. He knew he was right but that didn't make it hurt any less. "Okay" Peter sighed sadly. "I'm sorry" Steve replied. Peter and Bruce once again left the meeting room and went to sit in the living room. Peter was a ball of nerves.

"Suit up everyone. We leave in 10 minutes" Steve said. Sam saluted mockingly and they all began to make their way to the equipment room.

 Sam saluted mockingly and they all began to make their way to the equipment room

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