Chapter 11. About yesterday

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The next morning Rob picks you up and you go to get your daily coffee

And take a seat outside since it's a beautiful day so why not enjoy the fresh air

"I really appreciate what you did for me yesterday I don't really want to talk about it now but maybe our next therapy session" he says knowing what I'm thinking

"So later today? We have therapy this afternoon" you ask

"Yeah I guess" he says with a chuckle

"Okay that sounds good Robbie"

"Yeah well we better head to the car don't want me to make you late to set again" he says a nudges you teasingly

"Yeah we wouldn't want that now would we, people expect me to be at places on time unlike you" you say back

"Okay, okay understood" he says getting up and walking to the car

You guys arrive at set on time for once and you get ready for filming today you only have one scene with Robert

"Hey Robbie" you say as you see him walking towards you

"Hey y/l/n" he says back

"You ready for our last scene of the day" he asks you

"You ready for therapy" you asks him

"Ugh I was really hoping you would forget about that but you do just have that impeccable memory don't you, what an inconvenience"

"Maybe for you, but I happen to find my memory quite convenient" you say

"Well isn't that just wonderful for you"

"It is, isn't it" you says conceding smile

"Oh great I was looking for you two" Jon says cutting into your little moment

"Sorry we got a little distracted" Robert says

"You ready for the scene we need to start so you two lovebirds can get to therapy"

"We're not lovebirds" you says

"Can we just get to filming already" Jon says

"Yes let's go" you and Robert say

"Great" Jon says

You guys start filming and it only takes 3 takes before you get it passing by like a breeze

"Okay that's it" Jon says

"Finally I got kind of scared we weren't going to get it"

"We always get it baby what are you talking about" Robert says

Baby? When did this happen

"Oh do we now baby" you say emphasizing baby

Robert coughs and clears his throat "um yes we do, do that" he says nervously

"I'm just messing with you Rob don't get all nervous on me now" you say to him

"Actually I think it's time for us to go now, to therapy and all you know" he says

"Yes of course you say"

You both hope in his car and drive over to the office for you therapy session

You hope our and walk in up to reception

"Hello, we are here for Dr.fitch" you say to the receptionist she picks up the phone and then says

"Okay he's ready for you you may go in"

We both walk into the office and sit down in the chairs

"Hello Mr.Downey, Ms.y/l/n what do you want to discuss today"

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