Chapter 13. Time for a run

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It's the Saturday morning and to your surprise you actually have plans with Robert you two are going to go on a run

There's a knock on your apartment door so you go over to unlock it only to see Robert waiting there

"Hey" he says to you

"Hey" you say back to him

"You ready for our run" he asks

"Yeah just one second I need to grab my water" you say

"I thought you were the pro this should be easy for you" he says messing with you

"I'm a pro because I make sure to say hydrated that's important" you say with a sprinkle of attitude

"Oh okay" he says sarcastically

"Are you going to keep asking questions or are we going to start running" you say

We get in his car and he drives us to a park once we arrive we get out

"So you ready to put in some work"

"I'm ready if you are y/l/n"

"Oh I bet you are" you say and take off running

"Hey you didn't say go" he shouts

"This isn't a race just keep up you slow poke" you say to him

"Okay" he says already out of breath

~ 30 minutes later

"Phew that was fun" you say

"For who? ugh I think I'm going to die" he says out of breath

"Oh your fine" you say

"You're even worse than Susan" he says laughing

"Excuse me, rude" you say to him

"No just honest, I thought you liked my honesty" he says with a smirk

"I thought I didn't like you. I mean when did we become friends. I really used to hate you" I blurt out

"Well I know you couldn't resist all this" he says rubbing his hands down his body

"Oh is that a challenge" you say sarcastically

"For most women it is, I mean what's not to like" he says in a cocky tone

"Where's all this confidence coming from your never in a good mood in the mornings"

"Let's just say me and Susan have been having animalistic sex. I don't think she has ever been so out of control and last night she really laid it on me"

Wow really Susan i can't believe her and last I checked she's still fucking Alan and having his baby how could she do this to Robert.

So I decided to text Susan-

Y/n-Hey, how are things with Robert are you and Alan still a thing?

S-Things with Robert are better he's been so loving and just happier recently, i didn't want to tell him about Alan yet but idk

Y/n-Did you tell him you were pregnant yet?

S-No he didn't need to know that yet

"Robert i don't want to hear about your sex life okay I don't care about what's going on, got it?"

"Why are you getting so aggravated?"

"Why did you have to tell me that?" I shout

"Why are you yelling" he asks with question

"Cause I can't stand you" I scream back

"What happened you were fine earlier and now your acting all crazy" he shouts back

"Oh so now I'm crazy, leave me out of your life Robert i don't want to talk to you I don't want to see you right now please"

"That's not what I said, that's not what I'm saying" he shouts back

"Then what are you saying" I yell

"I finally get a friend, someone in my life and now your mad at me and I don't even know why and just when I thought I was fal-

"Thought you were what" i says annoyed

"you know what never mind, your all I have please tell me what I did wrong I can't lose you too" he says desperately

"I don't know what you did" you scream

"You promised you'd be here" he yells

"Robert your not going to lose me" I say calming down your voice but still yelling

"Well then why are you acting like this" he says slightly easing his voice

"Because I care about you Robert okay" you say

"Wow so when I'm finally happy" he says

"I'm sorry I just can't right now" you say turning to walk off

"Y/n stop" he says grabbing you by your hand and pulling you to him

Your faces are inches apart you look into those big brown eyes, those lips his perfectly ruffled hair, and get lost for a moment

He stares into your eyes for what feels like eternity breathing in your sent his eyes flicker down to your lips.

before he says "I'm sorry" and hugs you "I don't want to fight with you" he says holding you close

"Rob" you hug him back

"Shhh" he hugs you even tighter leaving no space between your bodies you can hear his heartbeat

"Let me take you home, you need to get rest tomorrow is going to be a long day"

"Hmm okay" you say pulling away from his strong warm embrace

"Come on" he say urging you

"Okay, okay be patient I can only walk so fast" you say getting into the car

The radio is playing and you both sit in silence until he says "Susan misses you, you know"

You look up at him "really?"

"Yeah, you should hangout with her she could use her friend" he says eyes on the road

"Yeah well she's made some choices I'm not sure I can support anymore"

"What do you-"

"Can we not Robert , I don't really want to talk about this right now "

"Yeah no of course, I'm sorry" he say before pulling up

"Looks like we're here" he says with a gentle smile getting out of the car and walking you to your door

"Thank you Robert" you say and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Bye y/n" he says walking away "oh and sleep well" he yells so you can hear him

You laugh a little at his loudness I mean it's 6am but what do you expect it's Rob

The rest of the day you just sit at home going over the script a bit

Later that night you lay in bed and replay your fight. Did he want to kiss you. I mean they way he looked at you with those eyes. Did you want to kiss him, y/n stop it he's married-...

-to your "best friend" well who knows now. Ugh stop it brain he hugged you for a reason. You lay in silence until you fall asleep

Susan Downey's best friend (Robert Downey jr love story)Where stories live. Discover now