Chapter 12. Mystery women

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Today you didn't see Robert much you think he's been avoiding you but you get ready to leave since filming is over

You have therapy but Rob didn't pick you up he's been acting weird all day and you don't know why

Looks like your going to have to take another Uber ride- hmm I wonder if it's going to be the same guy as this morning

Once you pull up to the therapy place you see Roberts car is already there that's weird you think to yourself.

You walk in thinking your session must have started and he's waiting on you

You quietly walk down the hall before you hear his voice. The air feels thicker, forbidden, you know you shouldn't listen but you can't help yourself

"I can't get her out of my head i don't know" he says

"Give me an example" he asks

"We have these moments where time seems to stop" Robert says

" you know one day I was coming back from filming I was sitting in my office a glass of whiskey on the table and Susan walks in"

I start to picture it in my mind as I listen to him

"She comes up behind me hey babe. I jumped a little and she asked what wrong I said nothing. Then she began to trails kisses down my neck until she reached the corner of my lips"

"I pulled her in and kissed her since I noticed she was only wear a bra and underwear, she unclipped her bra

"I pulled my pants down and she started to ride me. And all I could think about was her, I imagine how her boobs would bounce when I fucked her how she would feel around me. I was imagining another women while I fucked my wife"

"I see"

"That's not normal, that's not okay"

"How long have you been having these thoughts, about her I mean"

"About two weeks" he says simply

"Has anything changed between your relationship to cause this switch in how you perceive her"

In this moment you realize you've been listening for to long. I tiptoe back to the waiting room and wonder to myself who is this mystery women, am I jealous of her. Why her and not me?

Robert walks out and sees me in the waiting room "hey how long have you been waiting" he says a little surprise to see you

"Just a few minutes no big deal"

"I got you coffee" he says handing it to me

"Thanks" I say taking it from him

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hangout again later today" he says smiling at me

"Of course" I respond

"Great, after therapy?" he asks

"Yeah that sound good" you say

You both walk to the therapy room for your regular session

You notice Robert is a little tense. What is going on with him, maybe I should address it in our session today

Dr.Fitch walks in after saying "hello" takes a seat and as always he asks "is there anything you'd like to discuss today"

But for once I actually had a clear answer "well I would like to know why Robert has been acting so weird around me"-quick pause

-"I mean he didn't even have the decency to tell me he wasn't going to pick me up today" you say faster then you knew you could talk

"Um- I, you know I've just been really busy okay it's not a big deal"

"We work together and you've been avoiding me all day" you say

"I'm sorry okay how about Saturday morning we go and hangout, go for a run since I'm supposed to do that anyway"

"Okay" you say

"Okay" he says back imitating you

With that you and Rob leave therapy with one less problem then before ready for anything...or so you thought

Susan Downey's best friend (Robert Downey jr love story)Where stories live. Discover now