One Second's Worth

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EDIT**** - 10/02/2024 - major edits done due to Guizhong's adeptus form change


Childe sighed contently. The coolness of the air and smell of the earth mixed with the constant sound of brush on paper was making him sleepy. How long had it been since he last felt this relaxed? Only less than an hour ago, Guizhong had forced his secret into the open. It felt as if a great stone had been lifted off his chest.

He was no longer alone in his quest for answers. Why had he hesitated to tell her? He couldn't remember. Childe was sure he had a good reason, but the relief of telling someone was enough to make him question his previous decisions.

It opened a whole new realm of questions. Childe had to be honest with himself, he hadn't been getting anywhere with his search. He didn't have a clue where to start. He'd had no progress with the Archives.

Enter Guizhong.

Now they had a few directions to explore. Or rather, Guizhong had a few directions to explore. Aside from providing information, Childe wasn't of much use. He was way out of his depth here, and he knew it.

But Guizhong took to solving the mystery that was him like a fish to water.

Speaking of the god, Childe looked up to see her standing at a workbench with numerous papers laid out in front of her. Once he had handed over the notebook (after carefully removing the pages he didn't want her to see), she had forgotten all about their plan to tinker with some weapons she designed.

"I will only be a moment," she had said. "Just have a few ideas I want to write down before I forget."

At least half an hour had passed since then, if not more.

Childe had explored the room and the hallway as he waited, but eventually grew bored and decided to wait for her to finish so they could get to the fun part. Which is where he found himself now, dozing off to the sounds of a god trying to solve the puzzle that was his existence.

How did things end up like this? He wondered before laughing to himself. I suppose that's exactly what we're trying to figure out.

Childe wasn't sure when he drifted off, but he awoke to the sound of papers scattering and Guizhong's annoyed curse. Her notes had fallen all over the ground. He stretched and picked up a paper that had slid close to him.

But before he went to hand it to her, he took a look at what she had written. His mind was still addled by sleep, but there was something odd about her handwriting. He'd noticed it the previous day, but couldn't pinpoint what bothered him about it. He broke from his thoughts when Guizhong's hand entered his field of vision. He handed her the paper.

"Thanks," she said. "I seem to have lost track of time. I didn't mean to make you wait."

Childe yawned, "No worries. Figure anything out?"

She shook her head, "Not yet, I was just writing down my thoughts so I didn't lose them. I've been somewhat forgetful recently."

"The God of Memories is forgetful?" he teased. "Who would've thought?"

Guizhong laughed, "Just another side effect of my gift. Seems my mind has been built to keep a better track of worldly events than my own."

She organized the papers in her hands and set them down.

"Now, I believe I promised to show you some of my experiments," she grinned. "Still interested?"

He matched her expression, "Always."

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