Glaze Lilies do not Bloom in Winter

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When the people of Guili Assembly awoke that morning, they were shocked to find that their fields and gardens had turned blue. Thousands of glaze lilies had flowered overnight and covered the land in a blanket.

Perhaps under different circumstances such a scene would be met with excitement and wonder, but it only sent the city spiraling with concern.

After all, glaze lilies do not bloom in winter. And certainly not on such a large scale.

Childe found Guizhong crouched down in her garden on the palace grounds. In her hands was a flower she had freshly picked. She twirled it between her fingers, a frown on her face.

"Any luck?" he asked.

"Not particularly," she sighed. "It seems the flowers know something we don't. Otherwise, they wouldn't be blooming like this."

"Maybe it has to do with the war?" Childe reasoned. "You know, how some plants grow best in soil where blood has been shed?"

Guizhong nodded thoughtfully, "Glaze lilies are deeply sensitive to the earth and the leylines. Your guess may not be as far off as you think."

Childe watched her closely. The bags under her eyes had darkened further and her movements were noticeably more sluggish. The blue flower in her hand was vibrant and flourishing, like it had stolen its vitality from her. Childe could only be grateful that her mind was as sharp as ever.

He had offered his assistance in her search for a cure, but she only ever let him test her weapon designs. He brought her samples, snacks, and his own company but she was careful not to let him into the laboratory proper. How was she managing the work by herself? Day in and day out, she rarely left the laboratory for more than an hour at a time.

Her gaze turned to him, the light in her silver eyes dulled but still holding their distinct intensity.

"Soon," she said, "my work will be done soon. I promise."

Childe only managed a defeated smile. 'Soon' couldn't come soon enough. He wondered if it would ever come at all.

He pushed the thought aside.

A meeting had been called for in the communication array. Guizhong held out her hand to Childe. He took it. It was still the strong, hardworking hand he recalled from their first meeting.

His breath was temporarily taken from him as she whisked them away into the domain. Unlike previous visits, there was no pretense of an organized gathering. The adepti stood in one large group, table and decorum forgotten. They bowed to Guizhong and Childe upon their arrival.

"Lord Guizhong, Young Master," one addressed them. "Have you located the source of this phenomenon? What is going on?"

Guizhong held up a hand for silence, "I will explain all that I can once Rex Lapis arrives. Please, be patient."

The adeptus nodded and stepped back. The crowd was restless, but remained silent. They were frustrated. Childe understood, as he was in the same boat. They were stuck, helpless and unable to do anything until Morax arrived with information.

There had been much debate in the early morning when the flowers were first noticed. It was obvious that something was triggering the sudden bloom, and everyone had been quick to volunteer themselves for scouting missions. But Morax had stopped them.

After all, who was more competent than the Warrior God himself? No one could argue when he made the decision to head to the south alone. Even Childe had not attempted to change his mind. He knew where he was needed.

Shortly after Guizhong's statement, the space next to Childe morphed with a brilliant golden light as Morax stepped into the domain. He immediately locked eyes with Guizhong. Her brows narrowed and she winced, a hand unconsciously moving to massage her temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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