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Harry James Potter was frustrated, an understandable emotion for someone who was nearly seventeen but not for a reason most teenagers would be frustrated. Instead of worrying about friends, dating and summer homework, Harry was currently searching through his home with his guardians and was frustrated because they would not stop bickering. Harry Potter's life had never been what anyone would declare normal. The past six years had been anything but normal however Harry wouldn't trade those years for anything in the world.

In that time, he had learned that magic actually existed and that he was a wizard scheduled to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To add to the shock, Harry also learned that he was the-boy-who-lived, the only person alive to survive from the Avada Kedavra curse which was supposed to kill him on contact when he was only a year old. His parents had died that Halloween night, leaving him an orphan to be raised by his non-magical (Muggle) Aunt and Uncle.

That arrangement didn't work out so well. Life with the Dursleys had never been easy but it had been the only option Harry had until Vernon Dursley went too far and took his anger out on Harry...while someone had been watching. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban where he had been wrongfully imprisoned for serving the Dark Lord Voldemort and witnessed Vernon's charming behavior in his Animagus form. Without a second thought, Sirius took Harry from the Dursleys and hid out in London to avoid the magical and muggle authorities. After a few days, Sirius finally handed Harry over to the Hogwarts staff where Harry met Remus Lupin.

For the entire school year, Harry was torn whether to believe the stories of Sirius Black or the friendly dog who he had welcomed in his home. Finding out that his temporary guardian was a werewolf didn't help matters either. Because of Remus' ailment, he was forbidden to adopt Harry, which was why Harry was extremely grateful everything worked out the way it did. The real culprit had been discovered to be Peter Pettigrew who had been living as the pet rat of Harry's best friend, Ron Weasley. After a rather pointless trial, Sirius had been declared free and had taken guardianship of Harry and Remus had become Harry's secondary guardian.

After so many years, Harry finally had his family.

Unfortunately, the happiness wasn't meant to last. The following school year, Harry had been forced to compete in the TriWizard Tournament as the fourth champion. He had been three years younger than the remaining champions and had nearly driven himself to a stay in the hospital wing to compete at their level. In addition to the tournament, Harry also had to worry about magical outbursts that came and went without warning. The only reason Harry had maintained sanity was because of the suppression necklace Professor Albus Dumbledore had given him...until Harry and Cedric Dggory were taken from Hogwarts during the third task to a graveyard.

It was there that Cedric lost his life, Voldemort returned to mortal form and Harry had nearly died from injuries sustained from the ordeal. An intense duel, three painful magical outbursts and coming face to face with a few that Voldemort had murdered (including his parents) had nearly been too much for Harry's body could take. That had been the start of the second war as well as the start of a long battle for Harry to recover completely.

Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts was one headache after another. In addition to lingering injuries, the Ministry decided that Voldemort hadn't actually returned and those who said he did were out of their mind. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had been placed at Hogwarts to ensure that very belief was enforced although an attack on the Hogsmeade Express by Death Eaters had made that difficult. Delores Umbridge made it her mission to make Harry's life miserable and would have succeeded if Sirius and Remus hadn't stepped in. She had been removed from her post and replaced by Sirius but the problems hadn't ended there.

Through the lightening bolt shaped scar Harry had received when Voldemort's killing curse backfired, Harry started receiving visions and dreams from Voldemort. Some of them were even intentionally planted because Voldemort wanted Harry to retrieve a Prophecy made about them from the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry before Harry had been born. After learning this, Harry had diligently worked on master Occlumency to shield his mind from Voldemort but it hadn't been as successful as everyone had hoped.

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