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There had been no party but to say that Rufus Scrimgeour was eager to do everything in his power to help Harry with his plans was an understatement. In a blink of an eye, Harry had transportation to the States as well as a diversion for the press and public. With the help of the Muggle Prime Minister, Harry would travel by Muggle private jet with a few of the Prime Minister's security guards for his own safety. Apparently, Scrimgeour had informed the Prime Minister of Harry's role in Voldemort's defeat.

Time once again seemed to be playing tricks on Harry. Regardless of the endless questions about his future, Harry had been sad when his final morning at Hogwarts arrived. Each day had been aggravating but he had pushed through it, determined to spend as much time as possible with Remus and his friends. Sirius was still ignoring everyone although Remus did reveal that Narcissa's divorce was in the beginning stages.

Harry didn't know whether to be proud that Sirius was giving his cousin a chance or hurt that he could be so forgiving to a cousin but not to someone he claimed to love as a son. Sirius' behavior was probably what hurt the most. He could handle the wizarding world hating him. They had done that before. He could handle some of his friends angry that he was abandoning him. They would get over it. He was learning to deal with Remus' illness although it would probably never be all right. His godfather's cold shoulder, however, made Harry feel like he was back at the Dursleys and treated like he didn't matter in the slightest.

It made him feel like a disappointment to one of the few people Harry had never wanted to disappoint.

As Harry packed his trunk for the last time, memories seemed to overpower him as each article was carefully placed. He remembered receiving his father's Invisibility Cloak for Christmas his first year at Hogwarts from Professor Dumbledore. It had been the first time that his father had seemed like an actual person that had indeed existed. The existence of his parents had only intensified at the end of his first year with the photo album Hagrid had worked so hard to create. He had his Firebolt, his first present from his godfather, the handheld mirrors that Sirius and his father had created to communicate with each other in detention, the quilt Mrs. Weasley had made with a wolf, dog, stag, and lily embroidered in the center of it, the ring Professor Dumbledore had given him, as well as his Order of Merlin, First Class.

The last item surprisingly brought the most memories. It served as a reminder of all of the struggles and accomplishments that Harry had endured to reach the point he was at now. It served as a reminder of those who had sacrificed so much for him. Like my parents, Sirius, Remus, Professor Dumbledore, Kingsley, Tonks and my friends.

Walking out of Hogwarts, Harry was suddenly struck by waves of disappointment and remorse, forcing him to come to a halt. It was hard to hold back a smile as Harry closed his eyes and tried to assure Hogwarts that this wasn't goodbye. There would always be a part of him here and some day he would return to talk to her again. Hope replaced the disappointment but the remorse remained which was understandable. Harry felt the same way.

The train ride to London was logically completely unnecessary and risky as far as security was concerned but it was needed for everyone. The long ride allowed Harry to actually bid farewell to those that he wouldn't see for some time and gave Sirius and Remus some time to return to Grimmauld Place before Sirius would have to leave in order to avoid Harry.

As much as Harry tried to deny it, Sirius' behavior was really starting to anger him. At first, Sirius' reaction was understandable but now it was just childish. How long could a grown man sulk instead of dealing with what was happening around him? Evidently long enough to waste the time I have left here.

One of the downsides of studying abroad was all of the preparations that needed to be made. An account needed to be set up at the wizarding bank in New York, he had to establish his alias, find a place to live near St. Francis and furnish it, meet with the Board Members to set everything up under his alias, register for classes, and find a way to obtain a passport to even enter the States. It was maddening to even thing about it.

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