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It almost seemed anticlimactic when they entered the villa just as the last remaining rays of sunlight vanished from the horizon. There was some dim lighting that allowed them to see where they were going along with the two bodies laying in the hallway. Blood slowly pooled around each body forcing Harry to snap back to reality and hurry on forward. Hermione and Sirius were only a few steps behind him while Ron, Remus and Kingsley had taken another entrance. Faint waves of darkness cascaded against the walls but it was easy to ignore.

Harry was more focused on the two familiar, more distinct waves of darkness that he felt the moment he stepped into the building. They weren't overpowering but they were strong enough for Harry to know that Voldemort and Nagini weren't in the same place. They weren't even on the same floor. That struck Harry as extremely odd. Why would Voldemort let Nagini leave his sight if she were the only chance he had to maintain his immortality?

Aurors and Unspeakables from the first two waves were only a few steps ahead of them while members of the D.A. were a few paces behind. There was a tension in the air that seemed to swirl around the entire group. Everyone was clearly thinking the same thing: this was just too easy. Something was either going on with the Death Eaters or they were just completely unprepared. Harry had a feeling that it was the first option.

"Moody, we could really use some directions here," Harry hissed quietly.

"Those at the front, continue on your path," Moody growled. "Those from the left, you'll take two rights and a left. Those from the right, take two lefts and a right. Those from the back, take a left and a quick right. The pet is on the move towards those coming from the left. "

Harry mentally cursed as he pulled off his charmed sunglasses. That was the entrance Ron, Remus and Kingsley had taken with Remus being the only one experienced in dealing with Horcruxes. There was no time to backtrack and even less time to instruct everyone who had taken that entrance what to do. No matter what happened to Nagini, Voldemort would know of their presence. All Harry could do was hope that Voldemort wasn't currently possessing her. They needed every second they could get.

"We can handle Nagini, Harry," Remus said confidently. "You just worry about finding Voldemort."

"Remus, we can't have her escape," Sirius said quickly. "Those who took the left entrance, stand down. Remus, take the lead. If you can't defeat her then knock her out until we can get there."

"Andrews here, threat has been neutralized. Approaching destination. Awaiting orders."

"Wave One is in position. Waiting for the order to engage."

Harry moved to follow the Aurors ahead of him by taking the left hallway when he suddenly felt pain flare from his scar. Coming to an abrupt halt, he cautiously reached out with his senses and could feel the distant darkness taunting him, begging him to follow. It was familiar, too familiar to be the Horcrux. Against his better judgment, Harry broke away from the group and followed the darkness towards the main staircase. Voldemort were this way, he just knew it.

"Harry!" Hermione hissed. "Get back here!"

"I know what I'm doing, Hermione," Harry said, knowing that he sounded more confident that he felt. "Stay on course."


"Please, Sirius, just trust me on this," Harry insisted as he reached the large and empty foyer and quickly looked around. "Take over for me. I think I can find the main target. If I need help, I'll let you know." More like you'll know if this takes a turn for the worst.

There was a long moment of silence before Sirius answered. "You better," was the short reply. It was clear to everyone that could hear them that Sirius didn't like Harry's decision and was fighting the urge to follow his godson. Sirius' overprotective nature would never fade, regardless of how old Harry became.

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