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It had been a long night; there was no doubt about that. After returning to Hogwarts, Harry jumped in as Madam Pomfrey's assistant to help the injured. Together they worked on Tonks for nearly twenty minutes before the Order members started arriving. Bill and Fleur were first to arrive followed by Fred and George, Elphias Doge, and Hestia Jones. Harry and Madam Pomfrey were forced to separate with Harry taking on the more minor injuries. Everything was so chaotic that Harry had a difficult time knowing who was coming or going.

Between patients, Harry continuously checked on Tonks, hoping against hope that there would be some sign of improvement. After three blood replenishing potions, two stabilizers and multiple nutrient booster potions, Tonks had stabilized but had also fallen into a coma. All they could do now was wait and hope that her injuries hadn't left any permanent damage.

Hermione had come to help shortly after the Remus and Ron arrived, proving to be invaluable with her brewing skills. They had already run out of Calming Draughts and Pepperup Potion, two potions that Madam Pomfrey would undoubtedly need soon for the students. The Dreamless Sleep Potion supply was also running low forcing them to use other potions that would give them similar results.

Before Harry knew it, the sun was rising and there were no more patients to tend to. Everyone was either sleeping in a bed or had been sent home. Madam Pomfrey had retreated to her office and Remus was speaking with Professor McGonagall, leaving Harry to be the only one awake in the wing. Ron and Hermione were asleep in beds, having succumbed to their exhaustion an hour ago. Sirius and Kingsley had yet to return which was starting to worry Harry. What could they be possibly be doing?

Sore and tired, Harry collapsed in the chair at Tonks' bedside and took hold of her limp hand. It was so strange to see Tonks in a state lacking her perkiness and clumsiness. For the past seven months, Tonks had been such a positive presence in his life that Harry couldn't imagine his life without her, watching over him and poking fun at everything she could. It was because of her that Harry hadn't succumbed to his frustrations with everything in his life.

And I never thanked for any of it.

Staring at Tonks' pale face, Harry realized that there was quite a bit he took for granted in his life. Yes, he knew he was wavering towards the breaking point from time to time but he wasn't the only one. Sirius and Remus had taken on so much, most of it being the minor details that they never discussed. Kingsley had 'called in' so many favors to help and Harry had never thanked him for it. Professor McGonagall was basically putting Hogwarts at risk, just to help him out.

There were also his friends. Hermione was pushing herself into a similar state that she had been in during their third year with everything she had taken on but she never complained. Ron contributed in any way he could, never saying anything against the hours of research they had done, even though research was something everyone knew Ron hated. Both of them put up with so much, never complaining and never allowing Harry to give up.

I don't deserve them...any of them.

Harry let out a tired sigh as he closed his eyes and rested his heavy head on the edge of Tonks' bed. He so desperately wanted to try to heal Tonks but knew he would probably put himself in a coma from his own exhaustion and the strain from trying to find out what he had to heal. All of the scans had given him the same answer. Tonks' wounds were healed. There was no medical reason for her coma.

A hand rested on Harry's shoulder, causing him to jump and turn to see Sirius' tired face. Harry blinked repeatedly, trying to push the invading tiredness that had been plaguing him for the past few hours. Waves of exhaustion, frustration with a hint of pain poured off of Sirius, letting Harry know that his work wasn't finished. Rising to his feet, Harry gestured for Sirius to take the nearest available bed before moving to the potion cupboard to grab a few basic supplies. It only proved how tired Sirius was when he didn't protest. Questions can come later...perhaps after a few hours of rest.

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