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It didn't take long for Harry to see why everyone was so persistent concerning his return to Hogwarts. Inside his Hogwarts letter was a silver badge that Harry had seen worn by Percy Weasley years ago. The letters 'HB' engraved on the badge were unmistakable. Professor McGonagall had chosen him to be this year's Head Boy. To say that Harry was shocked was an understatement. How was he supposed to handle all of the responsibilities that came with being Head Boy in addition with everything he was already supposed to be doing?

Of course that was before Sirius, Remus and Professor McGonagall explained everything.

Professor McGonagall had appointed Harry as Head Boy because, in her opinion, he was a natural leader. The students would listen to him and the staff trusted him not to abuse his position. He would be given private quarters in the Gryffindor Tower which would have a door leading to Sirius and Remus' quarters to use as needed. Hermione had been given the Head Girl badge and had already agreed to help out when Harry needed it.

As far as Harry's classes were concerned, everyone was in agreement that Care of Magical Creatures was one subject Harry could do without to free up some time. He would continue with the rest of his courses and the teachers would provide him with an assignment list each month to help Harry stay up-to-date. The teaching staff was also in agreement that it would probably be beneficial for Harry to begin lessons early, just in case.

Harry had tried to protest since beginning lessons early would take more time away from research but no one would listen. They all believed it would be more of a help than an obstacle and began devising up a schedule that would make everyone happy. From eight in the morning until noon, Harry, Ron and Hermione would be in lessons with Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout. After a quick lunch, they would spend three hours in the library with Sirius, Remus and Tonks then would have lessons with Professor Slughorn and Kingsley Shacklebolt (who had been given the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching post for the year). After dinner, they would retreat to the Marauder Quarters for updates and additional research.

It was a hectic schedule but it certainly kept Harry's mind off everything other than schoolwork and Hogwarts history. He was so exhausted that sleep was accepted with open arms around midnight every night only to be awoken by Remus and have the cycle begin again. It was during those nights that the strange dreams began. They were always the same. Harry would find himself walking through the halls at Hogwarts with the feeling that something was pulling him forward. He got closer and closer to his destination...and then he woke up. His first thought was that Voldemort was messing with his mind again but the lack of pain derailed that possibility. He hadn't felt anything from Voldemort for a year and rather liked the absence of pain.

Of course that didn't keep him from telling Sirius and Remus just to be safe.

As expected, Sirius and Remus suspected the worst and picked up a journal for Harry to write his dreams down. Unfortunately there wasn't much to go on. Harry couldn't even make out which hallway he had been walking in so he could have been walking towards a large number of locations. Nothing Harry tried stopped the dreams, including Dreamless Sleeping potion. Regardless of everyone's worries, Harry was forced to let them play out in hope that he would reach his destination sooner or later.

As the days passed, Bill and Fleur's wedding drew closer and closer. Ron had to return home to help with final preparations, Harry was fitted for dress robes, extra precautions were taken for Harry's safety, and Harry's protective guards were fitted with charmed earpieces so they all would be in constant communication with each other. Harry still wore his legacy pendants that were charmed to serve as a port key to Black Manor and his phoenix ring he had received from Dumbledore had been charmed once again to take him to Hogwarts if the need arose. Add the protective clothing he would be wearing underneath his dress robes, Harry had enough protection to fend off anything other than the Unforgivable Curses.

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