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Silence and darkness was the only thing that could be seen or heard.



"_____ ______"

The sound was muffled, nothing could have been translated.

"___s. ___N_!"

Was that a voice that spoke?

"Miss. (L/N)!" someone yelled out, slamming their hands onto a wooden surface, where a young woman was resting.

The sheer force that was used startled her awake. As she looked up to see the fuming teacher, she flinched. If looks could kill, she would have been poisoned, lit on fire, and buried alive six feet underground, with the poison beginning to take effect.

"Care to explain as to why you are snoozing away in my class, Miss. (L/N)?" questioned the teacher as they kept on glaring at the sleep-deprived student.

"A-ah, well you see..." tried to answer the woman, eyes attempting to escape the nasty stare of their teacher, yet failing to do so.

As (Y/N) was trying to find an excuse, her teacher's glare lessened as they let out an annoyed and tired sigh.

"You know what?" the teacher said, making the woman's stiff posture relax by a bit, JUST a bit, "I honestly don't get paid enough for this, ten points will be taken off your grade."

"What?! But-"

"No buts, this is what you get as punishment." replied her teacher as they turned around, walking back towards the board, "Now class, let's continue our lesson that had been so rudely interrupted."

A small, silent groan left her, as she dragged her hand down her face. Looking around for a bit, she could see others giggling a bit or looking at her with pity. Then, she took a quick glance at the clock on the front wall.

2:50 P.M.

'Only ten more minutes to go, and I can get out of here..! I really should've taken that energy drink...'

Now, as we wait until those ten minutes are over, how about I explain to you who that just was. No, not the teacher, the person who was 'punished'.

Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), an 17-year old woman that was a senior in Smallwood High. She recently moved into an apartment, in the city, to get out of her parents hair and be independent. She works as a bartender and waitress at Fika café, a popular place for people to come relax while having delicious sweets and drinks. The job gave out a decent pay that allowed her to get all the required necessities that she needs to live. She also has a pet-


Okay, rude... Anyways where was I? Oh right, she has a-

"Class dismissed, pack your bags, and get out." the teacher spoke after the bell, putting away her stuff and cleaning the board.

Oh this little son of a bitch-

Students began to close their textbooks, binders, and laptops before leaving the room. Thankfully, (Y/N) was one of the first to leave the room so she wouldn't have to face her teacher.

She walked towards her locker which only took a minute before turning the padlock to her given code. As she entered the last digit she instantly began to put away her materials, swung her backpack around her shoulder, and bolting the hell away from there.

Leaving the school, she took out her phone and earbuds. (Y/N) placed the earbuds on while unlocking her phone and going onto Spotify. She clicked on a song, beginning to hum the melody, as she walked away from her hell!

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