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A/N : I have absolutely no idea how to heal wounds, so pretend that the stuff I am saying is actually correct.

CHAPTER 3 - Healing


"Alright Ember, stay right here so I can get in the bath, ok?" you spoke, glancing at the cat as she nodded her head.

Currently, you were in your bathroom, preparing to begin cleaning your wounds. You had your medical bag with you, your non-existent sanity with you, and your emotional therapist cat with you so you were all set!

You decided to first work on the injury near your forehead first, as it was the more important than the cuts on your cheek and palm. So you began for the preparation of cleaning, disinfecting, and bandaging your wound.

You had turned on the bathtub faucet which began filling up the bathtub with cool water. As that was happening you taken off your clothes and placed them into the hamper. At that time, the bathtub had been filled so you turned off the faucet and made sure to plug the drain .

Then, you slowly entered the cool water, slightly shivering. You did not want to waste any hot water since you'll be needing that for other purposes. And, to you, seemed like cool water was better since it could numb a bit of the pain you were feeling.

You looked to your side to see Ember sitting up on the towel shelf as she was staring at the other side of the room, respecting your privacy.

"You can look now Ember," you spoke as she slowly looked over to gaze at your face, before full on staring at the wounds that lay upon it. Her eyes softened as she jumped off the shelf and began making her way towards you.

You looked down at her, seeing that she sat next to the bathroom tub, and held out your hand that had the cut near her. She looked at your palm then began licking the wound, almost trying to fix it or stop it from bleeding.

"Aww!" you squealed in happiness. "Ember, I love youu! You know that right??"

She then looked back up at you to see your joyful expression, which confused her a bit since you were bleeding and have been in pain just a bit ago. But then at the same time, your (Y/N), so it does make more sense... a bit.

Ember then began to purr as she cuddled your hand, though she was a bit hesitant as your hand was covered in water. Nevertheless, she still did it to show that she cares and is worried for you.

The cat sniffed your hand and growled. She then just stared up at you expectantly, having a more protective look plastered onto her face.

"Oh yeah, I have to tell you what happened to me." you looked up the bathroom ceiling and began to talk about what happened. "It all started when I was driving back home from the store-"

As you were explaining about yourself driving back home but seeing the trail to the temple of the Eternal Paradise Faith, you began to wash yourself and carefully clean the wounds. You reached over and grabbed a spare black rag that was unused, soaked it in water, and began to lightly dab it on the wound on your forehead.

You repeated this process multiple times, and a bit blood seemed to seep out from the rag. When you finally cleaned the blood from your head and wound, you had gotten to the point where you were finding a way inside the temple.

And Ember was listening to you ramble all about it, and had a conflicted look on her face. She did not understand why you even got the idea to look around an hundred year old temple but just assumed your curiosity got the best of you.

You continued to talk about it, throwing the rag into the bathroom sink with surprisingly good aim. Though, it may have been just pure luck instead. Then, you reached over to your medical back to grab some hydrogen peroxide.

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