Y/n's POV
I walk downstairs with Eevee and Riolu, and see daddy and papa being lovey dovey again. "Daddy, papa" I tug on papa's shirt, making papa and daddy to look at me.
"Can I go to out with Eevee and Riolu?" I ask them.
"Y/n, last time you did that Eevee and Riolu had a fought with another creature." Papa told me.
"We dont want you getting hurt." Daddy says
"But if I get into trouble, Eevee and Riolu will have my back!" I exclaim and hug Eevee and Riolu.
"Promise us that you wont get hurt and you're free to go." Daddy crosses his arms.
"I promise!" I exclaim
"Good. You can go now." I walk out of the door with Riolu and Eevee.
3rd POV
It was a saturday afternoon and Y/n was walking around the neighborhood with Eevee and Riolu.
While passing by the beach, he noticed weird noises coming from the beach. To be specific, the trash pile inside the beach.
Y/n and the two pokemon slowly walked closer to the source of the sound and the noises became much louder as the trio got closer. There were sounds of heavy things dropping, shouting, a creature, and... talking?
Intrested in what- or who was making the noise, he went closer and found a young girl with pink hair and with her back turned to him, crouched down near the trash pile, seemingly looking for something and a small, metal sphere with some screws on it's body, two magnets on the left and right, and one eye facing the girl.
"Magnemite." The... machine? somehow spoke. "Yeah yeah Magnemite, just give a minute, I have to collect some metal for my babies!" The girl shouted, while throwing scraps of metal.
The machine, now know as Magnemite to Y/n, turned to Y/n's direction and it's eyes widened(somehow) and crashed itself into the girl, panicking.
"Owww, what was that for!?" The girl turned to the Magnemite and spotted Y/n, Riolu and Eevee behind a pile of trash.
"Ah! Magnemite get behind me!" The Magnemite did as told and hit behind the pink haired girl. "Who are you, and what do you want!?" The girl shouted.
"N-nothing! Its- just, umm-" Y/n stuttered due to the girl's obvious hostility. "Y-you like them too?" Y/n managed to ask. The pink haired girl looked surprised, and took notice of Eevee and Riolu beside Y/n.
"Wait, you like the creatures too!?" The girl shouted as her face quickly turned to surpride to excitement. Y/n nodded in response.
The girl ran up to the three, with the Magnemite following after her. "I can'te believe someone else actually likes them! I felt like I was the only one!" The girls shouted, jumping with excitement.
Y/n sweat dropped at the girl's reaction. But was also really happy to meet someone else to like the creatures.
"Nice to meet you! My name is Mei Hatsume, what is yours?" The girl said, voice filled with joy as she introduced herself. "My name is Y/n Saito. It's nice to meet you too." Y/n introduced himself.
"Rio! Riolu!"
Hatsume looked down at the two pokemon. "These guys are so cute! What are their names?"
"They are Eevee, and Riolu." Y/n introduced his two pokemon to Hatsume, the two pokemon yelled their names happily. "And what's your creature's name?" Y/n pointed to the Magnemite behind Hatsume.
Hatsume exclaimed and pointed to Magnemite. "His name is Magnemite! Doesn't he just look so cool?" Y/n nooded.
"I just wanna ask, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked
"Well, me and Magnemite are looking for metal for my babies!" Hatsume answered, while Y/n looked confused.
"Yeah! My great inventions!" Hatsume exclaimed. "I'm trying to make something so I can easily carry Magnemite around. Aswell as other creatures!"
"Oo, can I help?" Y/n asked, holding Hatsume's hand while looking down at her.
"Sure! I need some materials to make it though." Hatsume said.
"Leave that to me! My family is rich, so I can buh that for you!" Y/n exclaimed happily.
"Really? Oh, we should meet here tomorrow morning. We could make it together!" Hatsume said, and Y/n agreed.
"It's getting late! I should get home, bye Hatsume!" Y/n told Hatsume and waved goodbye, and Hatsume did the same.
Y/n and Hatsume rhen went their separate ways and Y/n walked home, happy to make a new friend.

Pokemon: Heroes
FanfictionIt was a normal day in Musutafu, Japan. A day like any other, until animals with quirks started to appear. These quirked animals were quickly feared by many. Our main protagosist Y/n, a five year old meets two of these creatures while camping in the...