Y/n's POV
"So... as third year students, it's fime to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives." My teacher said, slamming his hands onto his desk.
"I could pass out some carrer aptitude tests to everyone but..." He added, snatching the forms off of his desk.
"Why bother?" Some of my classmates started activating their quirks.
My teacher then threw the forms away and added, "I know you want to go to the hero track!"
"Yeah!" Loud cheers erupted from my class as everyone started showing off their quirks.
There were some fairly impressive quirks, like Hina, who could generate fire from her hands. Yui, who could make things move withing a small radious. Akane, who could generate swirls of air around her arms. And even Hiro, who could make stoned come out of his skin and make rock-like armor.
"Yes, yes, you've got some very impressive quirks!" Our teacher exclaimed.
"But no quirk usage allowed at school. Get a hold of yourself." He then informed us, quickly making most of us de-activate our quirks.
"Hey teach, don't lump me in with this buch of losers." I turned my head at the person who said that and saw Bakugo, with his legs up on his desk, and leaning back on his chair.
"I'm the real deal while these guys will be lucky to end up as side kicks to some busted D-lister. Hah!" Bakugo said in a very condecending tone. Which pissed of everyone.
Well, I've gotta admit. Bakugo's quirk is definately the best one in our class. And probably our entire school at the moment.
"You think you're better than us Katsuki?" A guy in the room shouted, incredibly pissed off. As multiple others shouted at Bakugo aswell.
"Let's go, I'll take you all on!" Bakugou exclaimed.
"Huh, you've got impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA high." Our teacher said out loud. Somehow picking the papers back up like he didnt even throw them in the first place.
"He's gonnat try for the national school?"
"That school has a .2 percent acceptance rate!"
"That's impossible to get into." People muttered around Bakugo.
"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me!" Bakugo then jumped up onto his desk.
"I aced all of the mock tests, I'm the only person in this school who stands a chance of getting in." Bakugo said, pointing at himself.
Bakugo's confident of his skills. I mean, he is very skilled, I'm not gonna lie. But he might be a bit too confident. Well, it's not really confidence anymore. It's more like he's arogant.
"I'll end up even more popular than All Might himself," Bakugo declared infront of the whole class.
"And be the riches hero of all time!" Bakuho added as he clenched his fist.
"People all across thew world will know who I am. And it all starts with UA High!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"Oh yeah, Midoriya, don't you want to go to UA too?" My teacher asked Midoriya, which thankfully got Bakugo to shut up, but it probably pissed him off.
I barely heard Midoriya whimper as he looked up and saw multiple people looking at him. The entire class then burted into laughter.
"Midoriya, you can't right? There's no way you're getting into the hero course without a quirk!" Someone exclaimed.
Midoriya stood up from his seat. "Wel, actually, they got rid of that rule! I can be the first one!"
"AAAAHHHH!" Bakugo ran up to Midoriya's desk and exploded the top of it. Knocking the quirkless boy over.
"Listen up Deku, you're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe!" Bakugo exclaimed as smoke slowly disappeared from his palm.
He then clenched his fist. "You really think they'd let someone like you in when they can have me?"
"Ah.. No wait! You've got it all wrong!" Midoriya stammered, doing a ton of hand gestures.
"Really, I'm not trying to compete against you!" Midoriya crawled away until his back hit a wall. "You gotta beleive me!"
Midoriya brought his head down. "It's just that, I've wanted to be a hero since I was little. I may not have a quirk, but I can still try my hardest can't I?"
"You'll never be abke to hang out with the best of the best, you'd die in the exams!" Bakugo exclaimed as smoke appeared from his palms.
"Defenceless Izuku, the school's already crappy, you want to embarras it more, by failing so hard?" Bakugo asked condescendingly.
I decided to ignore them and just get lost in my own thoughts.
...I was packing my things up since school in over, and notice Bakugo and his lackeys aproaching Midoriya.
I decided to ignore it. So I slipped my bag over my shoulders and headed out the room.
I exited Aldera high as I started getting lost in a train of thought.
'My future... what do I want to be in a few years?' I thought to myself as I walked down the side walk.
'Someone with good influence would be good. Heroes are off the table since I dont want to prove to people even more that pokemon are dangerous.'
I got cut out of my thoughts as I heard weird noises from an alleyway I had just walked by.
'Huh? What is that?' I walked into the allyway, and heard the noises getting louder and more clear. I heard something hissing, and something whimpering, right around the corner.
I turned the corner and saw a Persian towering over multiple Ratatas. The Persian hissed at the Ratatas, which got further intimidated the Ratatas.
I decided to intervine and pulled out a pokeball. "Kadabra, let's go!"
I threw the pokeball infront of me, and out came Kadabra.
Me yelling seemed to catch the attention of the Persian, who stopped trying to intimidate the Ratatas, and looked at me and Kadabra.
The Ratatas ra away from the scene, taking advantage of the new distraction for the Persian.
The Persian hissed, before it lunged at Me and Kadabra.
"Kadabra, psybeam!" Kadabra shot a bright pink beam at Persian, who dodged the attack, before using a quick attack to tackle Kadabra.
"Teleport!" Kadabra teleported out of Persian's way right before he got hit, before taking the cat by surprise by shooting a psybeam at the cat's back. Landing a direct hit on the Persian.
"Confusion, now!" A pink hue engulfed the Perian, before it was launched into a wall, making a small crack.
The Persian slid off the wall, and landed on it's feet. Deciding that we were too much trouble, the Persian decided to flee from us.
"That was a nice battle Kadabra. You did good." I walked over to Kadabra and pat his head, who happily accepted the head pats before being returned to his pokeball.
Walking out the aleyway, I then made my way back home.
After a few minutes of walking, I was just a few houses away from home, when sudenly, a black car drove stopped beside me. And out came to people.
A shaggy, homeless looking dude, and a man with a beige(?) trenchcoat, and a hat. Who was probably a detetective judging frow what he is wearing.
I took notice of a few police cars parked beside the black car, and came out a total of 4 police officers who surrounded me.
"Y/n Saito, you are under arest for suspicion of using these quirked creatures for evil." The man in the trence coat stated before one of the cops handcuffed my hands behind my back.
"Huh? WAIT WHAT!!"

Pokemon: Heroes
FanfictionIt was a normal day in Musutafu, Japan. A day like any other, until animals with quirks started to appear. These quirked animals were quickly feared by many. Our main protagosist Y/n, a five year old meets two of these creatures while camping in the...