3rd POV
Y/n slowly opens his eyes, waking up. He grogily sits up. He gets off his bed and walks out of uis room for breakfast.
He heads towards to the dining room and sits at the table.
"Eevee" Y/n looked down and saw Eevee looking at him. Y/n pet her as Eric placed a plate of pancakes on the table for Y/n.
"Thanks papa" Y/n said, before digging his fork into a pancake and start eating.
"Y/n, I dint think you should gk to school today." Eric said, while picking up his car keys.
Y/n looked at him with confusion. "Huh? Why papa?" Y/n asked.
"I'll have a talk with your teacher, and you seemed fairly sad, so I want you to have a small break." Eric stated and opened the door. "In the meantime, you will be alone untill I get back. Theres food in the fridge and dont make a mess." He then went out the door and closed it.
Y/n continued eating his pancakes and finished it and put it in the kitchen sink.
"What should we do?" Y/n asked and turned towards Eevee and Riolu, with both of thinking of what to do. A light bulb then went off at Riolu's head as he though of something.
"Did you think of something Riolu?" Y/n asked and Eevee turned to look at said pokemon.
Riolu ran towards the living room, with Y/n and Eevee running after him. Riolu turned on the tv and what played on it was the news talking about how the pro hero Endeavor had defeated a villian. The blue and black pokemon the pointed at the screen.
"Do you want us to play heroes?" Riolu nodded as Y/n smiled at the suggestion. "I'll be the hero, and you two get to be the villain." Y/n pointed at the two pokemon. "I'll go get my hero cape!" Y/n ran up to his room and got his blanket. And then wrapped the blanket around his neck, for his cape.
"Give up villains!" Y/n shouted.
"Rio Riolu!"
The two pokemon shouted back, preparing themselves to charge at Y/n.
Y/n charged at the pokemon, the two pokemon also charged at him. "Woah!" Y/n fell down due to Eevee and Riolu knocking him off balance.
"Hahaha, that was fun!" Y/n shouted, sitting up straight.
"Do you guys wanna go to the forrest?" Y/n asked. Eevee quickly nodded her head yes, while Riolu thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Yay! C'mon, let's get going!" Y/n ran towards the door with Eevee and Riolu following after him. They went out the house and Y/n closed the door behind them before running off to the forrest.
Y/n and the two creatures had just entred the forrest and they started walking around. While walking, they hear mysterious noises around them.
Y/n starts to get nervous hearing the rusting leaves of the trees and bushes. He picks up Eevee, and asks Riolu to stay close to him, in which Riolu does.
Y/n hears a bush rustling nearby. "Zig! Zigzagoon!" A hostile looking racoon with brown and white zig zag fur jumped out, landing infront of Y/n. Riolu immediately jumped infront of Y/n, ready to fight the Zigzagoon.
The Zigzagoon shouted, small little needle-like projectiles come out of it's body and shoot it at Riolu. Riolu jumps out of the way of the needles, dodging it.
"Riolu!" Riolu shouts out at Y/n, which confuses him. Riolu dodges more of the needle-like attacks before he shouts at Y/n again.
"U-uhmm ok? Riolu, force palm!" Y/n shouts. Riolu's hands glow a neon blue as he rushes towards other pokemon. The racoon looking pokemon tried tackling Riolu, but the bipedal dog jumped backwards and hit the other pokemon, sending it backwards.
"Rio, Riolu!" Riolu shouted again. "Umm, Riolu quick attack?" Y/n shouted, slightly unsure. Riolu faintly glowed white, before rushing at the racoon. The white and brown pokemon tried head butting Riolu, who just jumped to the side, landing on the side of a tree and jumping off that, hitting the former pokemon on it's back.
"Zigzagoon!" The animal yelled out it's name before fainting.
Y/n realized that the battle was over. Riolu ran up to Y/n and Eevee jumped out of Y/n's arms. "Wow Riolu, did you just beat that... um, Zigzagoon?" Riolu nodded at Y/n's question.
"Riolu Rio, Riolu Riolu!" Riolu told Y/n. "So that was a...battle? Y/n asked , seeming like he understood what Riolu said. "Eevee, Eevee Eevee!" Eevee continued after Riolu, "So I just command? Hey- Eevee where are you going!?" Eevee ran off. Y/n chased after Eevee, with Riolu following after them. After abit of running, Y/n and Riolu caught up to Eevee. Who was right infront of something that kind looks like a human plant. It has a brown body, with bulky thighs, a big round head with a beige mask and a single leaf ontop of it's head.
"Nuzleaf!" The human-like pokemon looked pissed. "Eevee!" Eevee shouts out with a determined face.
"Eevee, what are you doing?" Y/n shouted. Eevee turned her head to look at Y/n and just nodded. Which confused Y/n. The Nuzleaf Sent out razor sharp leaves at Eevee, who jumped to the side, easily dodging the attack.
"Eevee!" Eevee looked back at Y/n. "Uhh- use tackle?" Eevee runs at the Nuzleaf, who attack Eevee while shouting. Which startles Y/n. But Eevee seems unfazed by it, and lands the tackle.
"Eevee can you do what Riolu did? Uhm- quick attack?" Eevee glows a faint white, just like Riolu and rushes at the Nuzleaf, hitting it. "Nuzleaf!" The Nuzleaf retaliates buy sending razor sharp leaves at Eevee again, cutting her.
"Eevee!" Y/n worriedly shouted, Eevee jumps back, dodging some more of the Nuzleaf's attacks. "Eevee!" Eevee barely dodged a tackle from Nuzleaf. "Okay, use swift?" Eevee jumped up and her tail glowed white, and stars shot out of her tail.
The stars Eevee shout out at Nuzleaf hit it, damaging it more.
"Eevee, use quick attack!" Eevee rushed at Nuzleaf again, the human-like creature tried tackling Eevee, but she jumped to the side, and landed the final hit on Nuzleaf, knocking it out.
Realizing the battle was done, Y/n ran towards Eevee "Eevee, are you okay?!" Y/n cradled Eevee in his arms, before Riolu appeared beside Eevee, and weakly karate choping her. "Eevee..." The brow coloredmpokemon brought it's paw up to their head, rubbing the spot where Riolu karate choped them.
Riolu started shouting at Eevee, probably scolding her, making Y/n chuckle. "Well, I'm just glad you're okay Eevee. Let's get home and get you patched up." Y/n stood up and walked home, with Eevee in his arms and Riolu following after them.

Pokemon: Heroes
FanficIt was a normal day in Musutafu, Japan. A day like any other, until animals with quirks started to appear. These quirked animals were quickly feared by many. Our main protagosist Y/n, a five year old meets two of these creatures while camping in the...