3rd POV
"Uxie, where are we going?" I asked as Uxie was leading me somewhere.
"We're going to teach you how to battle." Uxie stated calmly.
"Huh? But why would I need that?" I asked curiously.
"If you want to bring people together, you have ro learn how to protect them. By battling." Uxie stated and I nodded , understanding what they said.
"Here's where we'll be training." Uxie led me to a beautiful meadow.
"Woah, thiw is so pretty!" I exclaimed in awe and Uxie flew infront of me.
"Bring out Your pokemon. They will fight against me." Uxie said nonchalantly.
"Huh? What if you get hurt?" I said worriedly.
"Don't worry Y/n, I can handle myself." Uxie stated reassuringly.
"Okay.." I take out my pokemon's pokeballs and throw then infront of me. Eevee, Riolu, and Abra all simultaniously came out before the pokeballs get knocked back to me and I catch their pokeballs.
"So, let us start with the basics of pokemon battling." Uxie then disappeared, before reappearing again with a large rock.
"So, Riolu, may you please use all the moves you know?" Uxie asked.
Riolu complied with Uxie's request and ran up to the boulder at an extremely fast speed and kicking it.
Riolu's palm then glowed a neon blue and smashed the poulder, making a small crack on it.
Riilu then lifted his paw up and metal looking claws appeared before he slashed the boulder.
And lastly, Riolu jumped back before making an orb made with what looks like air and sent it at the boulder, making a crack on it.
"Woah! Riolu, that was so cool!" I exclaimed wirh amazement as Riolu walked to me, and I pet him, making him cry out his name happily.
"What you just saw were pokemon moves. Pokemon have large varieties of moves at their disposal." I looked up at them as they continued talking.
"In pokemon battles, pokemon use different types of moves depending on the situation. They could attack, heal, dodge, and much more." Uxie continued talking while I listened attentively.
"So I just... tell them what to do?" I asked, cponfused
"Well, not excactly. You tell the pokemon the move of action they should do, and the pokemon decided wther or not to obey that. It's like a suggestion to pokemon and they decide if they want to do it or not." Uxie explained, though I didnt understand half of what they said, I understood what they meant.
"Let's start with the basics." I Uxie said and teleported me and Riolu a few feet from them.
"Let's start with learning how to attack. Tell your Riolu what move to use." Uxie instructed, but I just looked at them with a confused look.
"Uhmmm, what are Riolu's moves?" I saked, scratching my head.
"Riolu's moves are called Quick attack, Force palm, Metal claw, and Vaccum wave." I nodded in understanding and quickly chose a move.
"Riolu, use Vaccum wave!" I exclaimed and Riolu made a orb of air like last time and sent it at Uxie. Who made stars appear out of their tair which turned white, cancelling out the move.
"That was a good choice Y/n, Vaccum wave is a good choice as Riolu didn't need to get close to me to attack." Uxie said and then turned to Eevee
"Eevee, may you please come here?" Eevee nodded her head in confusion and ran up to Uxie.
As soonas Eevee got to Uxie, they then asked Eevee a question. "Eevee, would it be okay if you had a battle with Riolu?"
Eevee nodded her head and cried her name happily after a few seconds, and then turned around to face Riolu.
"Let us practice with what we have learned so far." Uxie said as Eevee got into a battle stance, and Riolu doing the same after a few seconds.
"The battle starts in three"
Hello, thank you for reading my fanfic. This is my first authors note on this fanfic and I just wanted to say that next chapter would be a time skip. Mostly because it's been a long time since the last update, and I feel bad for updating. And also because I'm bored and can't think of anything. So... goodbye.

Pokemon: Heroes
FanficIt was a normal day in Musutafu, Japan. A day like any other, until animals with quirks started to appear. These quirked animals were quickly feared by many. Our main protagosist Y/n, a five year old meets two of these creatures while camping in the...