Chapter 15

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The days went by and melted into weeks. Nathaniel's mother and brother were aware of the situation and were desperate to find him. After 3 weeks of searching, the police had to file Nathaniel's disappearance under the Cold Case banner. All communications with him were shot, as Natenhad had, unknowingly, destroyed his phone.

While everyone else had given up, the students of the Akuma class hadn't. Especially Marc. The amount of tic attacks he's had from the disappearance of his boyfriend stressed him out. He was transferred into Nathaniel's class a week after the incident of Lila's death, and Nate's disappearance, but he didn't think he fit in properly without his boyfriend by his side. Ladybug and Cat Noir had given out the miraculous' to everyone and had asked them to help find Nathaniel.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was a mess but at the same time, he wasn't. He had self harm marks, new and old, on his arms, legs, and torso. He had become severely depressed and suicidal. His mind was a mess; his multiple personalities fighting for dominance was causing him to go crazy. He talked and argued with himself. He couldn't seem to find a balance with his mental state nor split personalities. And it scared him.

He was sitting in a nearby alleyway, since moving from his secret spot. He heard voices nearby. Looking up at the sky, he noticed multiple heroes jumping from the roofs, yelling orders before standing on a roof nearby. Curling in on himself, he clutched the bloody shard of glass he's been using to brand his skin. He sliced into his skin a few times but then the voiced began up in his head once more.

"Not now." Nate growled. "Fuck Off."

'Kill The Heroes... They're Taking Marc From You.'

"No...! I told you to Fuck Off!"

The voices kept yelling. They kept arguing. He wanted them gone. He wanted them to leave. His left eye twitched slightly while the corner of his mouth curled upwards as his psychotic side tried to become dominant. He brought his fists to his head and clutched his hair while he rocked back and forth, a panic attack starting to rise. When the voices wouldn't shut up, Nath brought his fists to his head and punched over and over and over again; similar to one Marc's Tourette Tics.

When they wouldn't stop, he turned and smashed his forehead into the brickwall. He was gonna give himself a concussion but the voices stopped. With a sigh, he turned and slid down the wall, dizzily, with his back to the bricks. Not even a minute later, the voices returned. With a cry of agony and annoyance, he gripped the glass shard and brought it to his throat.

"So." Ladybug began. The heroes were standing on a nearby roof. "Well seperate into groups of three that way we can cover more ground and-"  An agonised cry echoed through the air. "What was that...?!"

Looking around for the source, Rooster Bold cried out.

"Nathaniel!" Looking at where RB was looking, the entire group of heroes jumped down and joined Rooster Bold in the alley. Noticing what the tomatoe haired boy was gonna do, Cat Noir quickly grabbed the glass and held it away from him.

"NATHANIEL!" Rooster Bold wrapped his arms around the boy but was immediately shoved off. "What's wrong...?"

"S-Stay away from me...! Or I'll Smash your Fucking Head In! N-No don't hurt him! Dont hurt any of them! Just stay AWAY!"

"Were there to help you, Nathaniel...!" Pigella said sadly.

"I dont know any or you! I DONT TRUST YOU! Y-yes I d-do! Help me..."

"Ladybug...?" Rooster Bold said softly as he stood up and guided the group away slightly. "I think we need to show him who we all are. It might be the only for us to help him."

"..." Ladybug remained silent. "What about the rest of you? Are you willing to expose your identities for the sack of helping Nathaniel?"

"Somethings not right with him, M'Lady." Chat began. "Something that might get worse if he doesn't get the help nor support he needs." The other heroes nodded.

"... Alright then. We'll do it." She turned to Rooster Bold. "You wanna go First?"

RB nodded and the group went back to Nathaniel. He crouched before Nate and grabbed the boy's rough hands in his soft ones. The latter looked up at him with tired and red eyes.

"Orikko, Sunset." As Marc said the words, he imm detransformed from his superhero self and the look on Nathan's face said it all. He wasn't expecting that.

"Stompp. Calm Down." Minotaurox revealed himself to be Ivan. Everyone detransformed one-by-on;

Bunnix- Alix
Miss Hound- Sabrina
Purple Tigress- Juleka
Pigella- Rose
Polymouse- Myléne
King Monkey- Kim
Pegasus- Max
Ryuko- Kagami
Viperion- Luka
Queen Bee- Chloé
Carapace- Nino
Rena Rouge- Alya

Everyone was surprised to see their entire class had a miraculous. Nate seemed to have calmed down but he still seemed distressed.

"Plagg, Claws In..."

Turning to see Cat Noir detransform, their eyes widened tocsee Adrien as the famous Black Cat. Luka then embraced the boy and olaced kisses all over his face, causing the model to giggle.

"Before I detransform," Ladybug began sternly. "You have to promise to keep everyone's identities a secret or I will hand the Miraculous back to the guardian." LB didnt mention that it was her but she needed to put down some ground rules. the group nodded and LB said the command. "Tikii, Spots Off."

"... DUPAN-CHANG?!" Chloé cried.

"Was not expecting that...!" Kim exclaimed.

"And I have a gift for you Nate." Marinette began. She wandered over and opened her purse, allowing the small goat Kwami, Ziggy, to fly out and hug the boy's tear stained cheek.

"Oh, Nathaniel! Oh How I've missed playing sith you!"

"Y-You too, Ziggy..."

"Why'd you disappear, Nate?" Alix began, Fluff sitting on her head and eating a carrot. "And what's going on? Cause we need answers."

"I disappeared after the incident with Lila... I didnt want to be arrested for something I couldn't help. But It Was Fucking Fun Hearing Lila's Screams! Like Music To My Ears!"

Nate gripped his hair but Marc managed to pry his hands away and get hold of them one more time.

"I'm sorry..." Nate whispered. "I'm fucked up..."

"You're not fucked up, Nathaniel." Adrien reolied, arms crossed while Plagg floated by his head earing some cheese.

"BUT I AM A MURDER!" The latter screamed.

"A murder, yes," Max began. "But you said you couldn't help it, right? So, what happened?"

"I-I blacked out..."

"But you didn't." Alya replied. "Sure you weren't yourself but you still seemed conscious."

"I black out but he didnt."

"What do you mean?"

"... I think i might have Borderline Personality Disorder... A split Personality and that was the side that killed Lila. Not me. I ran away because I was also scared. Ive been arguing with myself. Ive been going crazy. I dont know what to do...! I just want some help..."

The group looked at each other. Marc wrapped Nathaniel into another hug and the latter allowed and returned it. The group wasnt sure what they could do but they would try everything and anything to make their friend happy again.

I honestly don't know most of the detransformation commands but I adapted them from the transformation commands so I'm not sure if some of them are right but, eh.

Hope you enjoyed!


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