Chapter 9

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When woke up that morning, he got up and went for a shower. He was still really tired, so he didnt realise the mistake he had made until he was dressed, packed his things and in the kitchen getting breakfast. He could see his brother and mum talking but couldn't hear a single thing. He was confused until it hit. He then started to sign rather vigorously.

'I had a shower with my hearing aids in and I think they're water-logged...!' The look of distress on his face just aided with his issue.

'Oh, Nate...!' his mum signed. 'We dont have a replacement so you'll have to go to school and sign to communicate.'


'No buts! Your brother is going to be out all day and I'm going to an art exhibition. And I'm not leaving you alone. Especially after you skipped school the other day. Nicolas will walk you to school.'

His mother walked over and carefully removed his damaged hearing aids. Nathaniel simply frowned. He picked up his things and his brother took him to school.

Once there, he waved goodbye before heading to his class. When he entered he went to Miss Bustier's desk, grabbed a pen and piece of paper and wrote down a message, informing her about his current situation. He then headed to his desk and sat down with his chin resting on his right palm.

He saw people chatting but didnt hear them. Miss Bustier wandered in and over to her desk. She took a moment to read the note on her desk before making her way over to him; pen and paper in hand.

'I hope you're alright, Nathaniel.' she wrote.

'I'm fine. I just eont be able to hear anything.' Nathan wrote back. 'I think i might not talk, either. Because not being able to hear but being able to talk just seems weird to me.'

'Alright. Im gonn move you to the front so you can see better.'

Nathaniel nodded and watched as she move dto the front of the class. She turned and addressed her students.

"Alright... Nino? Do you mind moving to sit next to Ivan, please?" Nino nodded, fist pumped Adrien then went to sit next to the other boy. Miss Bustier then gestured for Nathan to sit next to Adrien. "Due to some unconvinceses, Nathaniel is going to sit next to you, alright Adrien?"

"That's fine!" He smiled as Nathaniel sat down next to him and Lila wandered in. Whencshe saw the new temporary seating, she frowned and went to her normal seat at the back.

Nathaniel zoned out as Miss Bustier talked. Adrien glanced over at the ginger-redhead and noticed his look of disappointment and confusion. Noticing he didnt have his hearing aids in, he tapped Nathan on the shoulder.

Both boys then turned so they were facing eachother. Nathaniel felt like crying as Adrien began to translate Miss Bustier's words for him. He began to sob slightly but with a smile on his face. The rest of the class then turned their attention to Adrien and Nate. Nathaniel leant forward and gave the blo de a quick hug before wiping his tears and trying to focus; extremely grateful for this wonderful gesture from the model.

As Nathaniel sat at a spare table that lunch, Marinette, Alya, Adrien, Alix, and practically the entire class; exclusion of Lila, Chloé and Sabrina, wandered over. Nathaniel didnt even realise until shadows were cast over him. looking up, he smiled at them. Adrien then signed a hello towards him in which Nathaniel gladly returned. As they talked, Lila wondered over with a fake smile. She just so happened to watch Adrien and Nathaniel signing to eachother and Adrien translating to the others.

"Whatcha all doing?" Lila questioned, startling the group. "You know; with all the weird gestures of your hands?"

"Well, we uh..." Adrien tried to explain but he couldn't find the words.

"We're talking to Nathaniel!" Rose beamed, happy as always.

"With your hands?" Lila watched as Adrien was signing the entire conversation. She looked over to Nathaniel only to see a froen etched into his brow. "Like some sort of Handshake?"

"Yes, Lila." Nathaniel said suddenly after Adrien finished signing, causing the group to turn towards him startled. "A handshake you dont need or have any right to know."

"Wow... Rude..." Lila mumbled.

The bell sounded so Adrien signed to Nathaniel to tell him it was time to head to his next class. When they exited the cafeteria, Nathaniel branched off with Marinette, Rose and Alix. Nathaniel was confused as to how he eould get through this lesson as he can't hear shit.

When they entered the classroom, Nathaniel reached his desk, found a spare piece of paper, grabbed a oen and scribbled a note before wandering over and giving it to his teacher.

"Oh...! Hmm... This is going to test the class's creativity for sure." Mr. Monlataing thought. "Marinette! Could you come here for a moment." the latter nodded and temporarily abandoned her project.

"What's up, Mr. Monlataing?" Marinette asked sweetly, hands behind her back.

"Do you mind being, almost, like a translator for Nathaniel? Like just informing him when the bell rings for the end of class?"

"Of course!"

The class went pretty smooth. No Akuma interruptions, so that was good. Nathaniel was a little disappointed that Marc was there, but he understood that he was probably at home, resting, as he told him last time he had an attack like yesterday's, it gives him severe migraines. Completely understanding, Nathaniel was happy to work on a few personal projects. And besides, they wouldn't be able to communicate that well considering not being able to hear shit. With a sigh, he picked up a black art liner own and began to outline his sketch to make it look more refined. Someone then tapped him on the shoulder. Looking up he smiled. Marinette.

"I wanted to give you something." Marinette wrote, as she had taken a scrap piece of paper from her own desk. Nate looked at her as she scurried back to her desk and pulled out a small box from her bag. She wandered over and placed the box infront of Nathaniel. "They're Alcohol Markers!" She wrote. "I had them at home but didn't really find any use for them after a while and I thought maybe you could experiment with them on your art!"

"Thanks Marinette." Nathaniel replied, verbally. He's deaf. Not mute. And Marinette could hear perfectly fine. Lucky.

She smiled then skipped back to her desk. Nathaniel put down his pen and took out the pens. He pulled out the markers and put ink to paper.

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