Chapter 13

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"Found You~"

Nathaniel's left eye twitched as he sneered at the group with such menacing intent, the entire class huddled together to get as far away from the teen as possible.

"Give me Lila and Marc and you'll be spared." Nathaniel began. "If not,; then I'll just take away someone special from all of you. For example; I'll take Alya from Nino, Kagami from Marinette, Adrien from Luka, Rose from Juleka, Myléne from Ivan and Ondine from Kim."

"You're Willing To Murder Your Own Cousin?!" Marinette cried.

"If it means that you'll all learn to listen to me then so be it!" Nathaniel snapped. He held the knife out at the group. "Marc and Lila or No one gets outta here unharmed."

The group remained stationary as they shifted their gazes between the knife and Nathaniel. A figure moved forward and wandered towards Nate.

"Just take me and spare everyone else..."

"Dont, Marc!" Alya cried. "He'll kill you!"

"I would never kill, my Rainbow." Nate placed his hand on Marc's cheek and stroked it with his thumb, wiping away a stray tear that slipped from the raven haired male's shamrock green eyes. Marc's head twitched in Nathan's hand. "Sh... Its alright my darling." Nathaniel held Marc in his arms. "Lila. Now."

"We wont let you have her!" Marinette cried. "All of us hate her for what she's done but Myléne, Ivan, Max and Kim are right! No one should get killed for reasons like that!"

Nathaniel frowned and lowered his knife. He guided Marc over and outta the way but still in eyes sight. He then pulled the latter's hood over his head.

"Don't look, Rainbow." Nath said soflty and sweetly. He turned away and faced the others. "Fine. If you wont give her to me, then I'll just take her by force."

Nathaniel lunged, Knife poised and ready to strike. The group dispersed to avoid getting hit. A fight broke out and a few of the students were injured in the process.

"Nathaniel!" Adrien cried as he jumped outta the way, in the nick of time as the latter swung the knife. "Snap outta it!"

"I will once Lila is slaughtered!" He then picked Adrien up by the collar and threw him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. He then looked over to where Lila was sitting; being protected by Ivan and Kim. He stalked towards the trio. "This is gonna be child's play...!"

Nathaniel lunged and got Kim in the side, with his knife, as the athletic student tried to move out of the way. An agonised cry escaped his lips. Nate pulled the knife out and kicked Kim in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. Max fell to his side to help him. Nathan then turned towards Ivan. He ran at the boy, falling to his knees then slicing the knife across the bigger boy's left shin. Ivan hissed in pain. Nathaniel then tripped Ivan up, then standing before a cowering Lila.

"What did I say about leaving Marc alone?" Nate hissed as he leant right into Lila's face. Lila only whimpered in fear. "Any last words?"

Before Lila could say a thing, Nathaniel drove the knife into her chest, causing her to scream and blood fleck onto her lips and the Yandere's face as her scream sprayed blood.

"Good bye, Lila~" Nathaniel then ripped the knife outta her chest and she fell forward, limp. Dead. Nate then turned to look at the others and the damage he had done.

Kim was stabbed.
Ivan was injured.
Adrien was unconscious and limply being cradled in Luka's arms.
Marc was ticking in the corner.
His other friends had cuts and bruises; Kagami holding her injured right shoulder.

Nathaniel then could see the damage he had caused much clearer as the psychotic aura left his body. Looking at the knife in his hand, he gasped and dropped it.  He looked at the blood on his hands as they trembled. Henthen bolted from the boiler room, guilt wracking his body.

"NATHANIEL!" Nino cried.

Sorry this chapter is so short compared to the previous ones but I didn't know what else to put in here but yeah.

Something is definitely wrong with Nathaniel 😃

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