Chapter 16

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Another week passed sinc they found Nathaniel. The boy was given an official medical diagnosis; He had Borderline Personality Disorder. Just like he had theorised. Because of his murderous and violent behaviour, he was immediately prescribed medication. And strong ones at that.

So, when Nate returned to school, Miss Bustier had informed the class that Nathaniel was placed on some very strong medication. That, the class realised, would explain why the latter was passed out asleep on his table. Marc had one hand over Nate's shoulders while he was writing a story in his notebook during their free period. Miss B. was called to Mr. Damocles office and the students were instructed to leave when the bell went but not before.

The class went by and did their own thing. When the bell sounded for the end of the day, the entire class waited for the art boyfriends before leaving.

"Nate..." Marc said softly, shaking the latter. "School's over. Come on. The class is heading to our superhero spot to hang out."

Nathaniel woke up, groggily, and looked like he would rather be sleeping for the next 3 months straight then hang out.

"You wanna come?" Alix asked, the two boys looking at them.  Nathaniel just looked dead inside.

"But Nate needs to take his meds at 4!" Ziggy exclaimed. Marinette had decided to let everyone keep their miraculous' and if they were needed for a mission, she would go looking for them. Until then, their kwamis hid from everyone except the other members of the class.

"It's alright, Ziggy!" Orikko chirped. "He can still come we just have to remind him to take them!"

"hm... What do you say, Nathaniel?"

"I guess... But I wanna sleep..." Nathaniel replied groggily.

"Maybe you can sleep at the secret spot?" Xuppu giggled.

"Sleep? Hang out? I can barely feel my legs..." Nate continued as he ran his hands down his face with exhaustion.

"..." Marc smirked at the ginger-red head. "Orriko? Sunrise!" Marc then transformed and picked up Nathaniel, bridal style, and carried him outta the, now, empty school. Nathaniel was blushing like mad as he was carried. Landing into an alley way, instead, the rest of the class joined and transformed into their superhero personas before heading to their rooftop hang out.

When they got there, Cat Noir and Viperion sat down with their legs hanging over the edge; Cat Noir with his head on Viperion's shoulder and Viperion with his head leaning ontop of the Cat's.

Bunnix and King Monkey were goofing off while Pegasus was watching the duo's stupidity. Carapace, Rena Rouge, Ladybug and Ryuko were talking, Pigella and Purple Tigress were copying Cat and Viperion on their left while Polymouse and Minotaurox were on the right. Queen Bee and Miss Hound were talking with eachother.

Marc looked down into his arms to see that Nathaniel had fallen dead asleep. Not wanting to be a bother or have to make Nathaniel worry about Marc worrying about him, he looked at the group.

"Hey, guys?" he called.

"What's up, Marc?" Marinette/Ladybug questioned.

"I think I might just take Nath home instead."

LB looked at the passed out Nathaniel in Rooster Bold's arms and gave a simple nod. Marc then jumped off, going to return his boyfriend to the safety of his own bed. When Marc got Nate to his home, he slipped in through the window and gently placed him on his bed before taking off his shoes, the tomatoe haired boy's jacket then pulling up the blankets. Ziggy gave Marc/Rooster Bold a hug on the cheek. The hero then lent down and kissed Nathaniel's cheek before leaving. After watching Rooster Bold leave, Ziggy flew over and cuddled up on the pillow next to him.

Nathaniel woke up that night and opened his curtains, allowing the moonlight to illuminate the room. Ziggy stired and woke up. The small goat kwami rubbed her eyes and looked at her partner.

"Nathaniel?" she asked with a sleepy voice. "What are you doing?"

"What if I just broke this window and jumped?" Nathaniel questioned. "N-No...! I dont wanna die...! Ziggy...?! Call one if my friends... please...! Damn. Why did my mother and brother take away all the sharp objects?"

Ziggy had been around Nathaniel since his official diagnosis and had learnt when his ither personalities were taking hold but she would lie and say it didnt scare her. Depending on the situation that Nathan's dominant personality had set him in, certain friends were called. In this case, It was best to call... anyone... Anyone would do when Nate was suicidal. Grabbing Nathaniel's phone, Ziggy tapped on a random person.


"Guardian?! Its Ziggy!"

"Ziggy?! Im coming over. What's happening? Tikki, Spots On!"

"He wants to jump out the window!"

"shit... Im gonna get Chat Noir. Try and keep him as safe as you can, alright?"

"O-Ok... I'm scared, Guardian..."

"I know but all will be fine."

Ziggy then allowed Marinette to cut the line, before hanging up and trying to keep anything breakable away fron Nathan.


Marinette definitely wasn't planning on waking up to hear her friend's Kwami sounding scared and distressed, but it was the plan. If Ziggy ever called, then that person was to go over their immediately and call for help depending on the situation.

She arrived at Adrien's place and knocked on the window. The latter groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes but when he saw Ladybug, he immediately sprung into action; transforming and following the girl.

They got to Nathaniel's family's apartment complex and jumped up to his family's level; Cat using his staff as a pole while Ladybug opened up the window and saw Ziggy flying around with all sorts of sharp objects in her tiny hands. Everytime Nathaniel reached for something else, she dropped a few items in a desperate attempt to move the other object outta reach.

"Just Give Them To Me, You Vile Creature!" Nathaniel cried. Ziggy looked hurt but didnt back down, used to Nathan's angry, insulting outbursts.

"Nathaniel!" Ladybug cried to get his attention as she landed on the floor of the room, Cat not far behind. "Can you try and take a deep breath? How about we do something to take your mind off of this, huh?"

Adrien/Cat Noir must admit, he really admired how much Marinette/Ladybug was trying to keep Nathan grounded.

After about an hour, Nathaniel had calmed down and was asleep once more. LB and Chat jumped out, knowing that his mother was watching over him. Chat had gone and woken her up and explained the situation while LB was trying to keep Nate calm.

"Adrien!" LB called out.

"What's up, Mari?" the latter stood ontop of a roof with the girl. "You look worried. You alright?"

"Do you think Nathaniel's gonna be alright?" she reolied softly, looking at the blonde with worried eyes. "He went untreated for so long that he's really bad."

"I get that you're worried." Adrien wandered closer and placed a hand in her shoulder. "We all are but we can't reaydo much except make sure he doesn't hurt himself or others."

"... I-I guess you're right..."

"Come on. Lets get home before it gets to morning and we're to tired to get to school...!"

Marinette smiled and the duo head home to get some sleep.

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