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Sorry for any typos, A/n at the end this time...


"What the hell are you? Who are you?" Were the first words thrown at Ryujin by what she assumed was someone of high power. She took a moment, gaining her breath. That fall took a toll on her, cut across the bridge of her nose, bruised msucles all down her legs. Her upper body littered with marks from the beatings on the street. Once she regained her composure she looked up, light in her face that nearly blinded her. But, she didn't mind it. She smiled.

"My name is Shin Ryujin." She swallowed, moving her hands in her binds which consisted of rope, and more rope. "I am a daughter of Death, and was cursed by the Devil." She said, not lying in her answer. But, of course nobody would believe that even after seeing the monstrosity being her on that street.

"Look, the people aren't going to believe some bullshit, religous fluff." He said, walking over and grabbing a glock. He pointed it at her head. He watched her face closely, not finding any fear in her features. That was strange, he thought.

"If you will, sir, I think you should blow this whole thing under the rug." Ryujin remarked, leaning closer to the gun and resting her head against it. "Everyone saw me, and what isn't considered bullshit in that tin-can of a head you have will not satisfy what they saw." She explained. He lowered his weapon.

"Enlighten me then, because the public is not ready for something like this, and a lot of money would be spent trying to explain it." He said, grabbing another chair to sit across from her.

"Always about money hm? You really are pitifull creatures." Ryujin chuckled. "Play it off like you were doing a drill. I am assuming you are military, and have procedures for alien threats. Just say this one got out of hand. Simple. Better yet, you were doing underground experiments, and such an accident occured."

"It's not that simple. Look, Ryujin, I can only help you if you help me."

"I'm so happy you said that, commander." Ryujin sent him a terrible, crooked smile. It made a chill run through his spine.

"I'm not here to play any games, I've heard a lot about you. Some people have been looking to put you back behind bars. Escaped prisoner is not a good look for you right now."

"Commander, I don't think you want the world to know that you broke into the head office to look at confidential nuke codes." Ryujin opted, smile not leaving her face. "Those consequences could be.. terrible."

"I don't have a clue what you are talking about. But if you're insinuating that I would go against my country you're wrong."

"I never said such a thing." Ryujin tilted her head. "What would your family think." He stiffened, a bead of sweat dripping down his face. "You best let this go."


He of course, didn't let it go. Ryujin knew this the second she was put in a car, bag over her head. His words to the driver were too kind, and with a simple read she knew what was coming. She started to scream, writhe in her bonds trying to undo them. She was weak from the other day still, there is no way she could transform so soon.

"Ma'am I'm sorry it had to come to this, but orders are orders. And you're a threat to the whole system."

"I'm trying to help you people! I have been ever since day one."

"You threatened him, no?' The driver was cold, stoic.

"By people I mean the greater good you imbecile."

"That, dear, is why you're now swimming with the fish."

She heard a door open, a huff, and then the terrible feeling of free falling. She hit the roof of the car, and was thrown to the seat in front as the car splashed into the water. It was useless to fight it, she had managed to only get the bag off her head when water filled up to her waist.

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