Chapter 3

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TW: internalised homophobia!

The boys pulled away after a few minutes. They stared at each other, both of them smiling slightly.

Both boys shifted so that Aonung was leaning his head on Neteyam's shoulder. They led in complete comfortable silence, watching the small waves climb up and down the sand.

They led there till neither could stay awake, both returning to their respective huts.


The next day the cogs seemed to finally work in Neteyam's head. Last night was almost like a fever dream to him, but now he felt wrong. So wrong.

The boy got up and out of his hut and went to the forest-y area behind the huts. Truthfully it was only a clump of trees and a few bushes, but it was the closest to his true home he felt.

He swung himself up the trees as high as he could to find a comfortable place to sit and relax. He felt anxious and nauseated as he sat against the tree.

He felt as if he had done something wrong by kissing Aonung. Yet he couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face because of the happiness he felt throughout his whole being.


He must have dosed off because the next thing he knew lo'ak was in front of him, shaking his shoulders. This startled him as he looked around to take in his surroundings.

Remembering where he was, he looked down to the ground to see Tsireya, Kiri and Aonung. They all waved up to him, laughing at his slightly freaked out face.

"Come on down Forrest boy!" Aonung shouted up to him as he scowled at the lot of them. He turned back to Lo'ak, who was still in front of him, "how long have I been up here for?"
"Well we've been looking for you for about an hour now but no idea how long you've actually been snoozing here for."
"Oh, ok, cool. Let's get down now, yeah?"

The sully brothers both swung down from the tree only for Kiri to slap Neteyam on his forehead.

"What was that for sis?"
"That was for scaring me when I woke up and you weren't in your bed nor had anyone known where you where."
"Right, yeah, sorry k."

Neteyam finally looked over to Aonung, he looked a bit worried but also kinda pissed.


It was nearly sunset which meant it was nearly time for Aonung and Neteyam's daily meetings on the beach.

As Neteyam made his way to their spot the pit in his stomach kept growing, felt like it was going to eat him alive. He sat and waited for what felt like hours as Aonung was yet to arrive.

Neteyam led onto his back as he waited until he heard the light tread of someone walking down the beach. He immediately knew it was Aonung and his chest began to tingle.

"Neteyam," Aonung hummed. It sounded so hot to neteyam and only made the feeling in his chest worse.

Neteyam sat up on the sand while the other boy crouched down next to him. Aonung came closer to him, all up close and personal. He put his hand on Neteyam's face, almost caressing him.

"We can't be doing this." Neteyam was kind of shocked by his own words and how they just fell out of his mouth. "What? Why not, I like you and it seems pretty clear to me that you also like me."
"But what if everybody hates us when they find out?"
"They don't need to and won't find out."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Nobody needs to know."


I feel like this part is better than the first two, it's deffs longer and I actually put some dialog in this chapter.

Nobody needs to know     (Neteyam x aonung)Where stories live. Discover now