Chapter 10

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The next morning Aonung awoke first, panicking before remembering where he was. He shook Neteyam awake as he sat up from his space.

As Neteyam woke up, he sat up stretching before leaning his forehead on Aonung's shoulder.
"We should probably get back to the village Tey."
"But I don't want to, I'm so comfortable here."
"Yes but people are probably wondering where we are."
"Probably, but I don't care, I just want to be here with you."

And that's what happened. They sat in each other's company for the next few hours, just enjoying their moment.


After the two arrived back at the village, they met with Kiri. Who then took them to go and meet Rotxo, Lo'ak and Tsireya.

Tsireya had the idea of riding the ilu and going out to explore the reef. Everybody eventually agreed to do so and an hour later they were all under the water on an ilu.

Neteyam an dAonung kepts swimming round each other and playfully knocking into one another. Every time their skin made contact it would send a shock through both boy's body's.
Aonung couldn't stop smiling at Neteyam.

They rode out to the three brothers rocks with the rest of the group. They all sat and relaxed in the sun. Neteyam woild steel the faster odd glance of Aonung while nobody was looking. The other boy could see him from the corner of his eye, he looked down smiling to himself.

After a while they began to ride back to the village. They all decided to have a campfire that night on the beach.


It was now eclipse and they all sat in a circle around the campfire. Aonung and Neteyam sat next to each other while Lo'ak sat with Tsireya and Rotxo was with Kiri. Everyone was chatting about random stuff as it continued to get later.

Neteyam was tired, so tired he forgot that everyone else was there. He turned over to lean his head onto Aonung's shoulder as his hand led on the boy's thigh. Soon both boys were asleep on each other peacefully.

At first none of the others noticed  until Tsireya pointed it out to Lo'ak. Then Lo'ak nudged Rotxo who then pointed it out to Kiri.

Soon enough the whole group but Kiri was quietly whispering about the two boys asleep on each other.


Sorry I posted late I fell asleep before I could write this chapter.


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