'' at first sight. " | one

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" at first sight. "

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[ Y/N POV ]

I got another commission for Dragonspine..
Its always so cold there, why have commissions there anyway..?

I slowly walk towards Dragonspine, feeling the cold breeze. As I finally enter, I start to shiver.

'' Why does this commission have to be on the other side of Dragonspine.. '' I mumble to myself, slightly annoyed.

I check my map, looking for my location.
I'd find a route to his cave.

I would follow the route on my map, following my finger along the pathway.

After walking for a few minutes, I could feel a Blizzard brewing up.
I should probably look for shelter..

I would feel the winds getting stronger by the minute, would I find shelter in time?!

As the winds continuously get stronger, i can feel myself getting pulled away from the ground.
I'd collapse.
My vision slowly became a empty void.

·̩͙꒰ঌ✞໒꒱· ゚

[ Albedo POV ]

As the storm slowly dissipated, I wonder to myself.
'' Seems like the storm has finally calmed down. ''
I take a peek outside of my cave.

I'd look to my left, then right.
I slowly start walking outside on a path.

As I search my surroundings, I catch a quick glace of someone buried in the snow.

I'd quickly go over to them, slightly brushing off the snow off of them.
Letting out a small sigh, I'd try positioning my hands under their body, soon lifting them up.

After a few minutes of endless walking, I would finally reach my cave. As I'd slowly put the Adventurer down, I notice Timaeus waving at me.
'' Hello Albedo, what happened? '' I hear a voice on my left.
I turn to Timaeus, my assistant.
'' I found them buried in the snow, I believe it was because of the blizzard that just happened.. '' My voice softens.

'' I guess that experiment will have to wait.. ''

I nod my head in response.

[ Y/N POV ]

I slowly wake up, my body feeling heavy.
'' What happened..? '' I say slowly.

'' I found you buried within the snow, I believe it was because of the storm, you were just laying there, buried. ''
The boy said in a soft tone.

I stare at the boy, suddenly remembering something.
'' You're Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious, right.? ''

He pauses for a second.
'' Indeed, I am. ''

'' I got a commission regarding you.. ''

'' Ah, you must be Y/N L/N , Correct? ''
Albedo mentions.

'' Yeah.. '' I cough.

Albedo removed one of his gloves, putting his hand to my forehead.
'' 37.7 °C .. ''
'' It seems you've got a cold, You probably got it from the blizzard.. ''

I'd look down.
This is why i hate Dragonspine and their storms..
How does this Albedo dude even manage to stay here?

'' Lay back down, i'll take care of you, with the help of my assistant. ''
You lay back down, chills running up your spine.

[ Albedo POV ]

'' Timaeus, may you grab some herbs on that shelf? ''

'' Sure thing sir. ''

I'd pour some water into a mug. I would go over to Y/N, placing the glass of water next to them.

'' You should drink some water to stay hydrated.''

They would struggle to get up. I would grab their hands, lifting them up to a sitting height.

As I'd grab the cup of water next to them, I would slowly bring it closer to their mouth.

'' May you open your mouth? ''

They would slowly drink the water, soon pulling away from the cup.

'' Good job. ''

'' Im not a little kid you know.. ''

Y/N Would giggle a bit before closing their eyes.
They would drift to sleep.

I'd get up.
'' Are you finished yet? ''
I ask Timaeus.
'' Yeah, let them drink it tomorrow. ''

'' Alright, see you later. ''
I wave goodbye to Timaeus, smiling.

'' I should tell Sucrose about the situation once she arrives tomorrow.. ''

I'd walk over to my sketch, admiring it.
I would continue to work on it.

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Word Count - 683 words.
( Wow, that took a lot outta me. Hope ya enjoyed that, ill post another part tomorrow or smth. )

two hearts buried in the snow @albedo [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now