'' Sketching. ''

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'' sketching. ''


[ Y/N POV ]

It's been awhile since I've seen Albedo, or Klee.
Maybe I could try and look for Albedo? I mean, I don't have anything else to do right now.

Should I try and look for him at his base in Dragonspine? I mean, he does spend a lot of his time there.

I quickly get up from the bench I've been sitting at for about a hour.
Dragonspine, here I come!!

·̩͙꒰ঌ✞໒꒱· ゚

As I get closer and closer to his base, I find nobody there.
Maybe he's conducting some experiment right now?
In Dragonspine??

I start walking around Dragonspine, Getting colder, and colder.
I find a nearby Campfire in the distance.. and.. someone else?

As I slowly walk closer, I start getting even colder.
I start running, soon, I finally reach warmth.

'' Y/N? '' Albedo turns around, while I shiver.

'' Hey, warm up here, your shaking. '' Albedo stops whatever he was doing, and kneels down with me.

He pulls me close, making me even warmer.

'' So, Y/N. What were you doing running around here? '' Albedo asks in a soft tone of voice.

I pause for a moment, trying to find the energy to speak.
Albedo would wrap his jacket over him and me, making me a lot less colder, and a lot more warmer.
His eyes trail around my cold, body.

'' W-well.. I wanted to look for you, so we can.. yknow.. spend some time together.. as friend's.!! '' I stutter a bit due to that I was still a little cold. I'd look over at Albedo.

'' Please, just be safer next time you go looking for me in Dragonspine, If I wasn't here, I'd assume you'd get frostbite, then freeze to death. '' Albedo looks back at the vast, empty sky.

I nod, continuing to stay silent.

After a few minutes of snuggling in Albedos jacket, I get up, forcing Albedo to also get up.

'' Thank you, Albedo.. '' I look up at him, while he puts his jacket back on.

'' Ah, no problem. ''

'' Now, what ARE you doing here? '' I question him, putting a hand to my chin.

'' I was simply Sketching this landscape, it is quite beautiful, don't you agree? '' Albedo turns around, viewing his sketch, then looks at the landscape itself.

It was gorgeous.

'' Woah, this IS beautiful! '' I stand in awe.

'' Ah, well, since you've troubled yourself to come looking for me, why don't you accompany me while I sketch this view? '' Albedo turns to me, awaiting for a answer.

I pause for a moment.
I'm not particularly good at Sketching or drawing, but..
I can accompany people! I guess..

'' Sure! I am pretty bored myself, so.. ''

two hearts buried in the snow @albedo [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now