" Journey to the Mountains. " Day four.

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" journey to the mountains. - day 4 "

[ your pov!! ]

I slowly wake up once more. It seemed like it was raining, as I heard soft " plops " ontop of the tent. Suddenly, I hear a big " boom " , which caused me to scream, as it was so unexpected. Suddenly, a head peeks through the tent. " Are you alright? " Albedo asks, he was a little wet, but he was also using his jacket as an umbrella.

" Yeah.. I just got a little frightened when that lightning struck, if you know what I mean.. " I scratch my head, still feeling a little tired. " Wait, why didn't you wake me up!? It seems like you've been out there for the whole night! " I suddenly jump.

" It is alright, plus, you were sleeping like a baby.. I couldn't bear to wake you up. " He trails off. " Wait, do you even need sleep, Albedo? I mean, you ARE an artificial human.. man, why didn't I think of that... " I looked away.

" I don't exactly require sleep, however, it still somehow gives me energy like the normal human being, so I just do sometimes. " He explains.

" Anyways, where should we travel to today? " I ask.

He pauses for a moment, bringing out a map from his bag inside the tent. He'd quickly get inside the tent, shaking off all the water from his jacket. " We could travel to the mountains over here? " He points.

" Do you mean Qingyun peak? "

" Yes.. it isn't really labeled on this map. "

" But isn't it really far? " I ponder to myself.

" Yes, it is. However, we could just travel all the way over there, then camp, then explore the mountains the next day. " He finally puts his jacket back on. " Alright! Though.. can we eat a little first..? " My stomach suddenly growls out of extreme hunger.

" Of course, shall I made my specialty dish again? " He asks, sitting on his knees. " Yes!! It tastes amazing! " I giggle. " Alright, let me just shield our cooking pot with something. "

Albedo begins using leafs nearby to shield the cooking pot. Once he finishes, he quickly starts making his dishes. I just sit there in silence, only listening to the soft rain hitting the tent, and the distant thunder roaring.

" Here, I already ate earlier, so I'll be sketching a little. " He quickly puts out the fire, handing the dish over to me. Soon, he begins to sketch, just like he said. I also began eating, still enjoying the slight taste of saltiness, and tenderness.

Soon, I finally finish. " Ah, it seems like you're done. Now, we should take down this tent before continuing. " I give a simple nod to Albedo, before we both go outside. The rain had stopped, which was good.

It did take awhile to rake down the tent and fit it in our backpack, but soon, we were heading out. The scenery of Liyue still felt so overwhelming, well, in a good way.

Soon, we encounter the many hilichurl camps again, though, we just ran. There were way to many. Soon, my stamina started depleting quickly, so, Albedo grabbed my hand, until we reached.. Lingju Pass.

There was a cage there, though it was open. There was also a unlit cooking pot, we both just continued on. " Hm, perhaps we should come back here when we have the chance. " Albedo stares at the view of Lingju Pass. I just smiled, before we began heading on a pathway. As we finally exit Lingju Pool, we both see a ruin guard turn on.

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