" Research "

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" research. "

[ Albedo POV ]

As the sun slowly rises, I look over to Y/N.
Their still sound asleep, I shouldn't wake them at the moment.

As I walk over to them, they toss and turn.
Removing my glove, I check their forhead.

" 36.. " I mumble to myself.

It appears that they aren't sick anymore..

As I slip my glove back on, Y/N slowly starts to wake up.

'' Ngh.. '' They rub their eyes, slowly rising up to a sitting position.

'' You're awake. '' I say softly.

'' How do you feel? ''

'' A lot better now, I just feel pretty hungry.. ''

I get up from the floor, walking over to a desk.
Grabbing a leftover plate of F/F, I would walk back over to them, placing the plate on their lap.

'' Eat up. '' I bend down to their level.

As Y/N starts to chow down on the dish, I sit down on the floor.
My eyes trail on them. Their eyes, their hair(if you don't have hair to bad), their beautiful face.
Why do I still feel this?

'' Albedo? '' Y/N says with their mouth full of food.

They catch my off guard.
I look over to them, raising a eyebrow.

'' How did you know how to take care of me so well? you know.. ''

'' Occationally, I have to take care of a.. child. '' I scratch my head.

'' Why do you ask? '' I suddenly question.

'' I don't know really.. ''

I chuckle a bit, brushing my hand over my cheek.

Y/N's cheeks are stuffed with food, making them look like a hamster.

I could feel a slightly warm feeling in my chest.
I'm still unsure of why I experience this feeling whenever I'm close to Y/N.

'' Ah i'm stuffed.. ''
Y/N sighs in relief, interupting my thoughts.

'' Are you ready? '' I ask.

'' For what again..? ''

I let out a small sigh, before explaining again.

'' You came to visit me for a commission. Then you collapsed, then i had to take care of you.. ''

I go on.

'' To sum it all up, you came to visit me so you could help with a experiment. ''

'' Oh alright, where do we start? ''

Y/N placing the dish on their side, getting up.

" Well, after studying you for awhile, I have come up with a hypothesis. ''

Y/N looks at me, confused.

'' It seems like.. '' He pauses for a moment.

'' You weren't originally from this world. ''

Y/N jumps back in surprize.

'' How.. do you know that? Nobody knows that except myself.!''

They look at me with a mixture of both confusion and fear.

Y/N tightly grasps their other hand behind their back.

two hearts buried in the snow @albedo [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now