" Chasm Mystery. " Day Three.

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" chasm mystery, day three. "

[ your pov!! ]

Slowly waking up, a ray of sunlight beams on my face. Albedo is still asleep, hugging me. I smile. Thank you for listening to me last night, Albedo.

If I have to be honest, this whole adventure thing has made me realized something, Albedo is very dear to me. We.. both love eachother, a lot, it seems.

Suddenly, Albedo wakes up, gazing into my E/C eyes, while I stare into his. " Ah, good morning. How are you? " He asks.

" I feel alright now, thanks for that last night.. " My face slightly becomes warmer, just at the thought of last night. He was so.. gentle, not like the Albedo I've seen before.

If I have to be completely honest, Albedo has learnt a lot these past few months. Back when I first met him, his expressions always seemed.. empty, or incomplete. Now, though, he always smiles. He's able to express his emotions without struggle, I'm proud of him. Both me and Albedo stand up from the bed, while he quickly puts his jacket, and accessories back on.

I start fixing and cleaning up the room a bit, packing my bag in the process. Albedo starts braiding his hair, holding onto a hairtie with his.. teeth. I look at the huge mirror, which Albedo is standing in front of. I quickly fix my hair in my reflection, fixing my clothes a little.

As I pull out my map, I look over at Albedo's reflection. " Albedo, where do you think we should go to today? " I view my map. Albedo looks over at my reflection. " .. Qingxu Pool, perhaps? " He asks. " Wait that's perfect! But.. " I trail off.

" Could we explore Liyue Harbour a little? I also wanna try some of their food! " My eyes sparkle. Albedo lightly chuckles, before replying. " Why not? I believe this will also further my knowledge for Liyue. " He rests a hand on his chin. " I lost you at not.. " I'd scratch my head.

" Apoligizes. What I meant by that was that.. it may help me greatly understand this nation's cuisine, I for one have never tried Liyue's dishes. " He finally finishes doing his hair.

My lips melting into a kind of " o " shape, before packing the last item into my bag. " Albedo, you should begin backing now, I don't wanna wait all day! " I complain. Albedo walks over to his equipment, packing and squishing it all in his backpack. Jeez, how does he fit all of.. that in his backpack..?

Soon enough, we finally leave. It was a bit of a hassle to carry my bag, it felt a lot more.. heavier. " Hey, there's the Wanmin Restaurant! " I point from afar, while Albedo lightly chuckles. We head over, surprizingly, there wasn't a line. Right before we talked to the chef, I glace a at a poster by my feet. A new twist. On an old classic. Wanting Restaurant welcomes you! As I'm reading, Albedo taps my shoulder.

Suddenly, a blue, short haired girl walks up to us from behind the counter. " Hello there! You two want to eat anything? " She smiles. " Ah, yes, actually. I'll get a Mondstadt Grilled Fish, and.. Y/N, what would you like? " Albedo turns to me, while the blue short haired girl waits patiently. " Oh, me? I wanna try your restaurant's specialty, Boiled Fish! " The girl's eyes sparkle. " Coming right up! " She begins to cook almost immediately.

" By the way, what's your name? " I ask. " Oh, my names Xiangling! That's my father, Chef Mao! " Xiangling happily hums as she continues making the dishes. " Will it be to go? " Chef Mao interrupts. Albedo nods, as Chef Mao begins talking to Xiangling. A few minutes later, Xiangling goes back to the counter, holding both our orders in hand.

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