" A Path to.. " Day two.

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" a path to.. " - day two.


As I slowly wake up, I notice Albedo in my arms. Aw.. how adorable!! As birds sing outside, I try to slip out of his arms, however, that just made him hug my a little tighter. " Albedo, wake up.. " I whisper. He yawns, seeing me in his arms.

Albedo gets up, looking in a nearby mirror. " Uh.. morning, Y/N, and.. apologies for seeing me like this.. " He tries to find a hairtie, looking away at my gaze. " There's nothing to be sorry for, plus, you still look pretty cute. " I sit up on the bed, looking at Albedo's reflection. He smiles a little. Albedo still trys to look for a hairtie. I quickly grab one from the side of my bag, tapping Albedo's shoulder.

" Here, you can keep it. " I smile, handing him the hairtie. He looks at me, before he starts to tie his hair. " ..Thank you a lot, I appreciate it. " He makes braids into his hair, continuing to brush and style it. I just smile, while I go into the washroom. I'd quickly fix myself up, brushing my hair, and washing my face. I turn off the lights in the bathroom, shutting the door.

" Come on Albedo, were gonna be leaving today. " I rest a hand on my waist. " One moment, my love. " He nicknames me. My face slightly turned red, as he lightly chuckled. As I start packing our things, I leave all of Albedo's accessories, and jacket on the bed. Albedo finally finishes with his hair, walking over to me, and the bed.

He quickly puts his jacket on, putting back on his accessories back on aswell. " Albedo, remember to pack up everything, alright? " I fix my hair, and dust off my outfit a little.

" Ah, alright, thank you for reminding me. " He starts to pack up his stuff, while I wait for him by the door. Soon, I close the lights, while me and Albedo return to the.. boss ladies desk.

" Oh, morning you two! You guys want food before you leave? " Verr Goldet asks. We both nod, walking over to her. She shows us some different food items, so I  picked some Almond Tofu, while Albedo picked out Noodles with Mountian Delicacies. I pay, while Albedo stares at his dish. " Hey, let me guess where you're from.. Mondstadt? " She holds a hand to her chin.

" Yeah! We just wanted to explode some parts of Liyue. " I soon bid her goodbye, as we walk downstairs to ground level. " Come on! Let's eat over there! " I point to some tables and chairs, I run over, while Albedo follows.

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Once we finish eating, we finally set off.

" Where are we gonna travel to next? " Albedo turns to me, while I take out my map from my pocket. " Hm.. we could go to Liyue Harbor again? " I ask. " Sure, let's go. " He walks a little faster. As we continue walking, We stay silent. " My love.. do you know why I use up.. most of my time to do research, and experiments? " He looks up at the sky.

" My master.. tasked me to.. finding the truth, and meaning of this world. That is why. " He pauses his speech. " That must be pretty difficult, a little scary too. " I reply. " Yes, however, now that I've met you.. it seemed easier, is what im saying. " Albedo says no more, while I just smile.

We pass by many ruins, and many ruin guards, however, no enemies yet again ever stood in our path. After around thirty minutes of walking, we pass by.. Luhua Pool!

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