'' Tea party. '' PART 3!!

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'' tea party, part three. ''

[ Y/N POV ]

'' Okay! Paimon will do the honors! '' Paimon clears her throat.

'' We have with us here the flower, the guide, the legend, the one who would never lie, and.. Timaeus. ''

'' Huh? Why did you only say Timaeus's name? You should say my name, too! '' Klee interrupts, pointing at Timaeus.

'' Alright, alright! We also have Klee. '' Paimon corrects.

'' Thats me! Hehehe~ '' Klee giggles.

'' Might I ask though.. Why is Y/N here? Isn't Timaeus the '' One who would never lie ? '' Albedo questioned.

'' Yeah but.. they wanted to help! Plus Paimon thinks they'll be of great help to us!! '' Paimon tries to reason.

'' Paimon, didn't you only bring them here because of Alb- '' The Traveler's mouth gets covered up by Paimon.

'' You know, I don't know if you just brought me for fun or not.. '' I complain.

'' Well, with Klee here, this all somehow feels like we're getting ready for a field trip.. '' Mona exclaims.

'' There's nothing wrong with a more relaxed atmosphere, is there? '' Albedo asks.

'' Albedo, have you figured out your answer? '' The Traveler turns to Albedo.

'' Of course. We will soon see if my hypothesis has any merit. ''

'' Actually.. I'm still feeling a little nervous. '' Collei scratches her head.

'' Me too.. '' Timaeus also scratches his head.

'' But.. weren't you all fired up just a moment ago? '' Paimon waves her hands around.

'' Oh yeah, but that was mostly Y/N and Klee.. ''

'' But still, let's do this! '' Timaeus smiles.

'' Actually, I'm a little worried too.. Deep breaths... deep breaths.. '' Sucrose talks to herself.

'' I know what you're feeling... Saying anything becomes so much harder when there are so much people watching.. '' Collei turns to Sucrose.

'' Well, does anyone know the exact location of where we're headed? Or should I do a reading on my scryglass? '' Mona questions.

'' Hmm.. according to the prophecy, once we've figured out the answer, we should test it at the Lantern of Utmost Joy... Wait, but where is this lantern? '' Collei explains.

'' Oh, we know something about that! '' Paimon puts her hands behind her back.

'' I've already found out where it is. '' Everyone turns to the Traveler.

'' What!? '' Both Sucrose and Collei say in sync.

The Traveler tells us a short story about how she discovered the location by divining the wind, and other things like that.

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